Desk job may increase the risk of heart attack, claims study of 21 countries

Health News : Do you do a desk job? Do you like to sit in one place all the time? If yes, then it can prove fatal for your body. Yes, it has been claimed in the study of many countries that employees working for 8 hours a day are at higher risk of heart attack and stroke. Along with this, the death toll from this has also been said to be very high. Let us know about the study (dangers of sitting job) in detail-

What does the study say

According to a study conducted by the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, workers who sit at a desk for 8 hours continuously have a 20 percent higher risk of stroke and heart attack. This study has been done on 105,677 people from 21 countries for 11 years. It has been seen in the study that more than 6,200 people have died of these people, out of which 2,300 people died due to heart attack, 3,000 people died due to stroke and 700 people died due to heart failure.

Let us tell you that even India is not spared from this havoc. Heart attack cases are increasing rapidly in India too. According to some reports, about 60 percent of the total heart attack patients are present in India.

What is suggestion?

  • Researchers suggest that if you do a desk job, then definitely get up in between during work.
  • Quit smoking habits, it increases the risk of stroke.
  • Do some physical activity for some time.

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