Devastated brother of woman who drowned slams hospital trust

The devastated brother of a woman who drowned after suffering from mental illness has criticized the hospital trust that treated her for the “poor quality” care she received.

Alison Bishop, also known as Alison Danks, disappeared from her home in Mark on May 22, 2020 His body was found almost a month later on a Grimston beach in East Yorkshire.

The 39-year-old was well known in next to the tee for running his own animal business, Pet Care Solutions, in his hometown.

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During an investigation into his death. last month Teesside Coroner’s Court heard how there had been “failure of care” by the Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust (TEWV).

The audience heard how Alison had been trying to board a navy ship in Teesport hours before her disappearance and witnesses said she was trying to get to Spain “to meet a spiritual leader”.

the court in Middlesbrough she listened as she was taken home and, despite appearing mentally ill, was left alone by the trust’s crisis team.

Alison’s brother, Mathew Bishop, 43, said: “The family is devastated by the poor quality of care Ali received from all the services involved in the lead up to her death, with so many missed opportunities to save her.

“The prospect that our beloved Ali would still be with us today if she had received the care she needed is something that is very difficult for all who loved her to process.

“This horrific journey has highlighted that while families in our position will always blame themselves for the loss of a loved one in circumstances like the ones we have endured, responsible service providers must step in to deliver care that is there to save lives.

“We’re taking some time to reflect and consider what Ali would want us to do in light of what we actually already knew. I know in my heart that Ali would want me to make sure Mom knows it wasn’t her.” guilt.

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“We know that Ali would also want us to look ahead and think of others who need help to save themselves. We need proof and reassurance from Tees, Esk and Wear Valley Mental Health, who are confident that real steps have been taken to address the problem.” “. faults highlighted”.

The inquest heard how Alison had previously been diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression, anxiety and suffered from paranoid thoughts.

He was on an intensive home plan with the team that included increasing his medication and supportive phone calls.

Her ex-husband, Graeme Danks, attended the inquest and said he believed she should not have been left alone after she tried to board the navy ship.

He told the audience: “I don’t think it’s good enough, they shouldn’t have left her.

“Why did the crisis team only assess one incident? They should have considered other issues instead of just looking at the limited picture.”

Jane O’Neil, adult crisis services manager for TEWV on Teesside, told the inquest that there were “failures in Alison’s care” and said plans were in place to ensure better treatment.

Teesside and Hartlepool Chief Coroner Clare Bailey gave a narrative conclusion, recording that Alison had entered the sea and drowned.

She said: “She turned to mental health services for help, but it is noteworthy that there were mistakes and failures in some supports.

“However, I am sure the trust recognizes the faults and mistakes and if such a situation were to occur again the approach would be different and more questions would be asked.”

Mathew, who lives in Newport Pagnell, near Milton Keynes, said Alison’s mental health problems last began after her father died and her husband left her.

He said: “During this period and for many, many months after that our family and friends fought hard to get Ali the support she needed, especially Mum. Mum was the only one who was always there.”

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“There were so many missed opportunities to help Ali and mom. Ali’s care report reproduces this in a way that just brings back an unbearable sense of frustration.”

“I vividly remember making calls late at night and it always seemed like I was hitting a cliff and waiting for someone to do something, but never knowing what we needed to do to get Ali back on track.

“Yes, I blame myself, but I’ve learned and started to accept that the system is designed for professional care service providers to step in and save lives when the need and opportunities exist.

“And for every call I made, there were ten times as many cries for help from both Mom and Ali.”

(L to R) Alison’s father Graham, mother Lynne, brother Mathew, and Alison

Alison’s disappearance prompted a series of police appeals to try to find her and witnesses were asked to come forward.

cleveland police said the last time she was picked up by security cameras turning down the High Street in Mark and heading towards the boardwalk.

After an extensive search, his body was discovered on the Yorkshire coast more than 80 miles away.

in a moving tributeafter her death, Mathew described his sister as “caring, considerate and caring”.

He said: “He spent most of his time thinking about other people and the animals he cared for on a daily basis.

“We are truly upset and sorry that what appears to be a very tragic accident has occurred.

“We’re upset and we miss her, but we’re also trying to remember what a wonderful person she was.”

Mathew and his mother Lynne, 70, have thanked everyone for the support they have received over the last 20 months.

Lynne, who has now moved from Marske to Newport Pagnell to be closer to Mathew, said: “I have been overwhelmed by the support I have received over the last 20 months.

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“Letters, cards, emails and phone calls from family and friends have given me so much strength and have meant a lot during this difficult time.

“Whatever I do and wherever I go, my beautiful, loving and caring daughter Alison will be with me.”

Mathew said his close family friend, Michael King, 43, will continue to run Alison’s business with his team.

Michael, from great aytonsaid: “Alison was well loved by all who knew her, she had a true passion for animals and was like a magnet for animals; especially cats.

“The team has found the last 20 months incredibly difficult, but keeping his legacy alive through Pet Care Solutions has helped us begin to come to terms with his loss.

“With the kind support of our customers, we have begun making regular donations to Alison’s favorite charity, Hope Animal Rescue in Loftus. This is something we will continue to do to keep her legacy alive.”

In a final tribute to his sister, Mathew added, “I will miss my beautiful little sister for every day that she lives.”

Elspeth Devanney, Acting Director of Teesside Operations at the Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust, said: “Our thoughts remain with Alison’s family during this incredibly difficult time.

“We conducted a detailed review of Alison’s care and discussed the findings and actions with her family.

“We appreciate the opportunity to meet with Alison’s family and answer any other questions they may have.”

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