Diabetes patient has dangerous pain in knees, get rid of it like this

Due to bad lifestyle and bad food, many small and big diseases have encamped in the human body. Nowadays weight gain, diabetes, thyroid and high BP diseases have become common. This disease first attacks the knees in the whole body. Because of which there is a lot of difficulty in walking. As soon as there is a lack of nutrients in the diet, pain in the knees starts. That’s why it is important that you take special care of your diet. Especially the pain in the knees of a diabetic patient sometimes takes a dangerous form. In such a situation, we have brought such special measures for you, by trying which you can easily get rid of it. 

Include calcium and protein in the diet

Include maximum calcium and protein in the diet. Because of this, you will be saved from pain in knees and feet. Sometimes pain and swelling start happening together. In this case, follow these tips. 

Eat green leafy vegetables or cabbage-broccoli

If you want to avoid knee pain or swelling in the body, then eat a lot of green leafy vegetables, cabbage and broccoli, this will reduce the pain and swelling of your body. Along with this the bones will also be strong. 

Eat citrus and vitamin C rich fruits

Knee pain starts getting cured by eating some fruits. These include oranges, strawberries and cherries, which contain nutrients like vitamin C and lycopene, which also reduce bone inflammation. At the same time, it also reduces pain.

नट्स खाएं

According to the health expert, include lots of nuts in the diet, due to which your body will get vitamins and proteins, which will keep your health right. Will also get relief from knee pain. 

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Eat ginger and turmeric

Ginger and turmeric have anti-inflammatory properties. Which cures the pain of your body and knees. Therefore, if the pain is severe, make a decoction and drink it to get immediate relief. 

Disclaimer: Before following the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, do consult a doctor or a related expert.

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