Diabetes Tips: 7 Effective Ways to Control Blood Sugar Spike During Festivities

People living with diabetes have a extreme controls to not let the glucose level spike. During festivals it becomes a tad more difficult to resist all the urges but here are some effective and manageable tips to control blood sugar spike during Navratri.

Diabetes Tips: Navratri, Dussehra, and Diwali are just lined up one after the other. The season of festivals is about to begin and it gets all the more difficult for people living with diabetes to resist the urges and not savour all the sweets, traditional pakwans and whatnot. However, one has to be really careful in what they are eating and how the routine looks like not to let the blood sugar spike.

Here are a few tips and tricks to prevent the rise in glucose levels during the festive season.


  1. Meal Planning: While it is difficult to time your meals every day, it is essential to keep a check on what your eating and how much of it. It is recommended that diabetics should have several small meals and keep long gaps between meals. Never skip your dinner, or lunch or breakfast that may lead to abnormal blood sugar.
  2. Avoid Alcohol and Smoking: Festive parties of ten have groups of people enjoying drinking and smoking. But it is important to limit alcohol consumption. One should stop smoking altogether as well because it can hamper diabetes control.
  3. Include High-Fibre Food: Opt for a fiber-rich diet. Add lots of veggies, fruits and whole grains in your every diet. It can help to keep your stomach full longer and reduce cravings. Also, it is good for digestion.
  4. Stay Hydrated: Keep the body hydrated with healthy drinks. It helps to flush out toxins and helps in managing blood sugar levels.
  5. Avoid Sweetened Beverages: Steer clear of packed juices, sodas and energy drinks. These high carbonates and sugar additives can lead to a jump in blood sugar.
  6. Home-Cooked Meals: Try to make sweets and most of the food at home. This way one can control the amount of sugar in sweets and have healthy cooking methods too.
  7. Sleep and Exercise: Festivals can often come in way of proper sleep with all the shopping, gatherings etc. But it’s important to manage at least 6-7 hours of sleep. Also, stay active and try to burn calories if possible.
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Adhering to certain lifestyle tips can come a long way in controlling diabetes. It si not easy living with a multitude of restrictions, but there are ways to manage it and ease the process. Therefore, try to follow these steps and enjoy a good festive fervour with some caution.

Published Date: October 13, 2023 9:20 AM IST




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