Dietician Shares Best Fitness Secrets |

Everyone wants to be fit, especially girls. Girls always want to be in good shape. A perfect example of weight reduction is the actress Uroosa Siddiqui, who wonderfully reduced her weight and now looks incredibly adorable.

Uroosa recently watched on Komal Rizvi’s show “Lifestyle with Komal” where a very talented and extremely fit and healthy dietitian shared her secrets to getting fit with people, which she has embraced in her life. Both Komal and Uroosa agreed on the secrets of a fit and healthy life.
Dietician shares top fitness secrets

Speaking of the secrets, the dietician said: “I have my five rules/secrets to lead a fit and healthy life, my number 1 rule is to take a 35 minute walk every day, it should be mandatory, my number two rule is that a person’s sleep patterns must be precise and good, he needs to have a good sleep of 8-9 hours. Rule no three is; you should drink 8 to 10 glasses of water, rule number 4 is; you must reduce refined sugar from your life and rule number 5 is to reduce refined oil, eat everything but not fried, eat steamed foods”.

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