Do not be troubled by the problem of sleep, if you want to sleep peacefully at night, then try these remedies

At least one day in a week or a month, our sleep is affected due to various reasons. Attempting to make lifestyle changes along with sleep can aid in sleep. However, lack of adequate sleep definitely impacts various aspects of our lives.
But, according to experts, a well-rested body tends to be more productive and have a more positive outlook on life. Sleep boosts your immune system as well as balances your emotions throughout the day by controlling mood and metabolism. It sharpens the mind and promotes long life.

Calling sleep one of the most powerful things a person’s body can do, author Eric Prather (a psychologist and professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the University of California), who is a psychologist and professor in the Department of Medical Sciences, wrote in his book Tips have been listed in ‘The Seven-Day Sleep Prescription’ by which a person can get good and proper sleep.

A good night’s sleep can be hampered by many other things ranging from work stress and family responsibilities to illnesses. You may not be able to control the factors that affect your sleep. However, you can adopt habits that encourage better sleep. Get started with these simple tips.

1. Set a Bedtime

Experts advise that we should sleep at the same time every day. By doing this one gets good sleep at night. At the same time, this schedule will have to be followed even on holidays. Along with this, you should take 8 hours of sleep daily. By doing this you will have a schedule for sleeping and getting up. Due to which you will get good sleep at night.

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2. Take a bath before sleeping

There are many benefits of taking a bath before sleeping. In winter, there is some difficulty in taking bath at night, but in hot summer, taking a shower with normal water before sleeping is beneficial for sleep. The body feels slightly refreshed after taking a bath. If bathing is not possible, then wash your hands and feet and go to bed.

3. Choose the Right Pillow

For a good night’s sleep, it is important for your pillow to be comfortable. Your pillow should provide support to the head, neck and ears as well as support the shoulders. Choose a cushion that is both soft and supportive. According to a study conducted by the National Sleep Foundation, using a comfortable pillow helps seven out of ten people fall asleep faster and sleep better.

4. Avoid sleeping during the day

To get a good sleep at night, you should avoid sleeping during the day. On the other hand, even if you sleep during the day, do not sleep for more than 1 hour. Actually, sleeping during the day affects the sleep of the night. If you sleep during the day, you do not get sleep on time at night.

5. Turn off the TV before sleeping

Switch off mobile or TV 1 hour before sleeping. In fact, watching phone or TV just before sleeping keeps the brain more active and sleep comes late. Many times the video or program you are watching also affects the mind and makes it difficult to sleep.

6. Avoid eating late at night

We should be careful about what we eat at night as it can affect our sleep. Also, have your meal 2-3 hours before sleeping so that your body can digest the food completely.

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7. Relax before sleeping

Take a warm bath, listen to calming music, or do exercises that relax your mind and body. Your doctor can give you such advice, listening to which your fatigue will go away and you will feel relaxed.

Disclaimer: Before following the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, do take the advice of a doctor or a related expert.

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