Do not eat by buying medicines like this from medical, this method can be heavy

Antibiotic resistance: In the year 2019, about 50 lakh people died due to a specific reason. This figure of deaths is almost double of the deaths due to corona in 2020. A study was done on these deaths. It was found in this study that there are many people in the world who buy antibiotics and eat them on their own. People do this when they are small (can be done at home) were battling diseases. But when the disease progresses and the doctor gives them medicine, then the disease is not cured. know why? Because the body has become antibiotic resistance. If you understand in simple language, then the effect of heavy to heavy antibiotics on the body stops because by becoming ‘your own doctor’, you have played with the effect of medicines on the body.

read the report
The Lancet It is a reputed medical journal of the world. He does a lot of research on medicines. According to them, by eating more antibiotics, its effect on the body starts decreasing. This report specifically mentioned Azithromycin, which, like toffees, was used in every household without medical consultation.

It’s not just that. You would think that the medicine that is available at the medical store would be right because without the approval of the government, the medicine is not sold. Absolutely false, The Lancet report claims that most antibiotics in India are being sold without the approval of the Central Drug Regulate. The report also said that antibiotics are not used in a balanced manner in India. That is, people go to the medical store and buy antibiotics.

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Why does this happen
The medical and hospital system in India is complex. There are also two types of private hospitals and clinics. Similar antibiotics are prescribed to patients in smaller towns. Those who are small private hospitals and clinics, people do not go there because of minor diseases because they want to avoid doctor’s fees.

Look at these figures, you will be surprised yourself
Between 2000 and 2010, antibiotic consumption has increased by 36 percent worldwide.
In 2019, 77.1 percent of antibiotics sold in total drugs
Of all the antibiotics sold in the world, 72.1 percent were not approved.

It would be better to consult a doctor and complete the course
After reading various medical reports, a conclusion comes that if you are buying any kind of medicine from a medical store or by asking someone or looking at the prescription of someone else having the same disease, then it is completely wrong. Consult a doctor in case of any kind of disease. Along with this, complete the course that the doctor tells you.

Disclaimer: The methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article should be taken only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, please consult a doctor.

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