Do not get your nails cut even by mistake in the salon, infection can happen

Pedicure For Foot: Infection can happen anywhere in the body. Sometimes it’s normal. Heals by himself. Sometimes a little serious. It is controlled with antibiotics. But sometimes it becomes so serious that the medicines do not work then. Sometimes the infection occurs in the body, and sometimes due to the negligence of oneself or someone else, one becomes a victim of serious infection. One such case has been seen in Georgia. Here a woman had to amputate her toe

went to the salon to get the nails done

Anita House, a 59-year-old resident of Flowery Branch, Georgia, told the media that in February 2019, she and her sister went to a local nail salon for a pedicure. According to House, the staff used a clean, disposable liner in the pedicure tub. The salon employee removed a nail on the big toe of House’s right foot from the very inside. He told that there was no problem with the nails. But the salon worker had cut it deep. A lot of blood started coming out of the leg.

got a bacterial infection

Anita House told that earlier there was no problem of any kind in the nails. But as soon as the nails were cut, a few days after that the condition of the toe started getting very bad. The toe turned red in the next few days. There was a lot of swelling and severe pain in it.

Even the doctors didn’t do well

Toe was shown to podiatrist. Podiatrists usually treat the big toe or fingers only. He prescribed an antibiotic cream and an oral antibiotic. This dose was to be taken for seven days. There was no benefit from these medicines. The toe became more red, the swelling increased and severe pain persisted. When the first podiatrist did not give relief, she went to another podiatrist. He also gave antibiotics. but to no avail.

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Third doctor said, thumb will have to be amputated

When there was no relief from both the podiatrists. After seeing the doctor for a month, she met the infectious disease specialist. The doctor told House that a bacterial culture was never taken from the inside of the toe. This would have known where the infection had actually taken place. Earlier the infection was minor. But later it had spread to all the bones of the thumb. The doctor advised to amputate the thumb. Later the doctor had to amputate even the thumb.

women should be careful

Cities often have salons for pedicures. The feet are cleaned in these pedicures. During this, see that the liquid which is being used in the pedicure. It is not dirty or infected. The equipment that is being used. Get them sanitized before getting their nails cut. Try to get the nails cleaned by a trained pedicure operator.

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