Do not ignore these symptoms appearing in the stomach, otherwise it can have a bad effect on health

Health Tips: Colon cancer occurs when cancer cells start growing inside the lining of the stomach. It is also known as gastric cancer. It can be challenging to detect it in time, as most people do not show symptoms in the early stages. In most cases, the symptoms of stomach cancer are seen in severe or late stage. It usually takes years for colon cancer to grow. In the early stages, the symptoms of stomach cancer are almost non-existent. Gradually you start seeing some of its symptoms. In such a situation, it is important to recognize the symptoms of stomach in a timely manner and get it treated. Let us know what can be the symptoms of colon cancer in the early stages?

Symptoms of Stomach Cancer

  • Patients suffering from stomach cancer may feel like vomiting and nausea in the early stages. If you are having this kind of problem continuously, then contact the doctor immediately.
  • Long-term complaints of bloating in the stomach can also point towards colon cancer.
  • Stomach cancer can cause chest pain and burning sensation.
  • Despite eating less, the stomach remains very full also indicates stomach cancer.
  • If there is a problem of infection or cancer in the stomach, then the person starts experiencing fever.
  • Patients suffering from stomach cancer may also have to face the problems of abdominal pain.
  • Blood in the stool can also be the cause of stomach cancer. In this situation contact the doctor immediately.
  • Stomach cancer can be the reason for the long-term problem of diarrhea and constipation.
  • The red blood cells of a patient suffering from colon cancer start decreasing significantly.

If such symptoms are showing in your body, then contact the doctor immediately. So that your treatment can be started on time.

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