Do not throw the leaves after making tea, it has many benefits

Tea Leaves Benefit: Usually tea is made in every house. Tea leaves are used in making tea. Tea leaves are used to make tea colourful, to enhance its aroma. This increases the taste of tea. Due to the presence of caffeine in tea, it works to give energy to the body. But usually people in every household throw away the tea leaves after making tea. It is considered unusable. But do you know that the tea leaves which you are throwing as waste can be very useful. It has many advantages. Let’s know here.

clean the tea leaves first

Before using the used tea leaves, it is most important to clean them thoroughly. Let the sweetness come out of the tea leaves. After this it can be used in different works.

1. hair conditioner work
The advantage of the remaining tea leaves is that it can be used as a natural conditioner for the hair. To use tea leaves as a natural conditioner, boil the leaves once again in water and then wash your hair with that water.

2. get rid of flies
Tea leaves also work to get rid of flies. If you are troubled by too many flies, put the remaining tea leaves in water and wipe the whole house. Due to this the flies will not be able to stay in the house.

3. aid in wound healing
Antioxidants are found in tea leaves. It works to heal the wound. For this, after cleaning the leaves properly, boil it in water. After it cools down, apply it on the wound. This will help in healing the wound.

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4. clean the oily utensils
Oil sticks on utensils at homes. The leaves can be used to clean oily utensils. To clean the oily utensils, boil the remaining tea leaves well. After this clean the utensils.

Disclaimer: Before following the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, do take the advice of a doctor or a related expert.

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