Do you also want to grow old late… then adopt these measures to live long and feel young

Tips For Longevity And Feeling Younger: Aging is a natural process and none of us can escape it. Sooner or later, we all have to go through the process of aging. But those who are concerned about their health and adopt a health lifestyle, they grow old slowly. Whereas those who do not pay attention to these things become old quickly. For example, normal people start looking old quickly, while celebrities who take full care of their food, exercise, diet. They grow old late or grow old, but despite that the signs of aging are not visible on their face.

What do scientists say about the aging process?

And recently, well-known lifestyle coach Luke Coutinho has shared a post on his Instagram page about aging and slowing it down. He has said that scientists have studied the process of aging for a long time, in which it has come out that it depends on genetic and non-genetic factors.

Explaining the meaning of non-genetic factors, the coach explains that how is your lifestyle and the environment around you, all these are responsible for your old age. According to him, now we should stop blaming genes for aging fast, because we all have good and bad genes, it becomes our duty that how we can correct it by living in a good lifestyle and environment.

Aging depends on the length of telomeres

According to Koch, the speed at which you age depends on the length of the telomeres. Telomeres are the structures found at the end of chromosomes.Studies show that there is a direct relation between the length of telomeres and life expectancy, length of telomeres is sensitive to lifestyle and its shortening is scientifically a possible onset of cancer, type Two are linked to diabetes, inflammatory disease and aging.

how to protect telomeres

  • A good quality and quantity of sleep can be achieved by following circadian rhythms, calming the mind, maintaining a standard sleep time, distancing yourself from gadgets and work, and creating a dark environment.
  • Science says that even a 30 percent reduction in our daily calorie intake is enough to promote longevity and slow aging.
  • Deep sleep, HIIT (high intensity interval training), body weight training, reducing excess body fat, fasting, consuming L-arginine rich foods like nuts, seeds, whole grains, crucifers, chicken, fish..its Apart from this, making distance from refined sugar, producing sufficient amount of melatonin, etc. etc.

    Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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Check out below Health Tools-
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Calculate The Age Through Age Calculator

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