Do you know the right way to do CPR? Most people make these mistakes in doing CPR

How To Do CPR: CPR is taught abroad from school age but now in India also doctors motivate to learn this medical technique and perform it when needed. CPR is such a life saving act that if done on time, it can save the life of a person who is in cardiac arrest. Not only this, CPR can also be done in the event of drowning in water or breathing due to any reason.

What is the right way to do CPR?
First place one palm on the left side of the chest of the sick person and then lock the other palm by keeping it on top of it. After that push very fast. In simple words, as the air is filled, press the chest again and again with your palms towards the heart. Remember that its speed should be 100 beats per minute, that is, you have to push the heart more than 1 time in 1 second with full force. Pumping at this speed increases blood flow to the heart and can save the life of a person with cardiac arrest. You will also find many videos on YouTube for how to do CPR, from where you can take a reference. 

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Don’t make this mistake while doing CPR
Along with CPR, don’t forget to take to the doctor as soon as possible or call for an ambulance. Also, remember that if a person suddenly faints, do not waste time and start doing CPR immediately. While doing chest push, do not take this tension that that person does not have any other problem, but push the heart area with full force and very fast. 

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Why should CPR be done?
Actually, after a cardiac attack or even after breathing for some reason, oxygen remains in the blood of the body for some time. But due to non-functioning of the heart, the blood flow to the heart and the rest of the body stops, due to which a person can faint or his breathing can stop. CPR is a life saver in such a situation. CPR starts the heart pumping and blood flow starts in the body, which can save the life of a person with cardiac arrest.

Disclaimer: The method, methods and claims mentioned in this article are not confirmed by ABP News. Take these only as suggestions. Please consult your doctor before following any such treatment/medication/diet.

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