Doctor unveils cereal you shouldn’t eat if you want to lose weight ‘Not good for you’

This morning I was looking at the low carb and no carb diets today. Presenters Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby were joined by Dr. Zoe Williams, who discussed the amount of carbohydrates that can be found in common foods, one of which is the popular breakfast cereal corn flakes. So for anyone looking to lose weight, one way to do it is through dietary changes and swapping “refined carbohydrates” for whole grains, starting with breakfast.

Dr. Zoe began by talking about carb-free diets: “When it comes to cutting down on carbs or trying to cut it out completely, we’ve seen that there are three million people. [who] They have tried and for most people, they are not able to sustain it, they are not able to sustain it.

“However, there is a community of people, low carbohydrates, who instead of following a diet, have made it their lifestyle.

“[And] In the long term, they are committed to significantly reducing the amount of carbohydrates they eat for the rest of their lives, [and] that can be really helpful for your health, particularly if you are someone who is at risk or has type 2 diabetes.

“There is nothing good, nothing bad, it really depends on who you are.”

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On the table in front of them, there were bowls with various common foods.

Dr. Zoe said, “All these foods [in front of you] contain carbohydrates – significant amounts of carbohydrates.

“Some more than others, I’m going to ask you which three of those foods have the highest ratio of carbohydrates: the most grams of carbohydrates per 100 grams.

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“When you think of carbohydrates, table sugar is a carbohydrate, it is not good for you.

“But things like quinoa and lentils are highly nutritious and very good for your health and they have many health benefits and they are also carbohydrates.”

He then asked Phillip and Holly which three foods they thought had the most carbohydrates.

Phillip replied, “My three, I’m going for the raisins, the white bread and the controversial blueberries.”

Holly said, “I’m going to go get the nuts, I don’t want to buy carrots, but I’m going to buy carrots because I’m surprised they are there. But I think Phil is right, these raisins are bad.

Dr. Zoe revealed, “Well, all fruits and vegetables contain some carbohydrates.

Berries are very low in carbohydrates, so they are the low carbohydrates on the table.

“Root vegetables contain fairly high amounts of carbohydrates, but the top three on the table are corn flakes, raisins, and white bread.

“Raisins are a dry fruit, because when condensing there are a lot of carbohydrates but also a lot of nutrition.”

“Cornflakes!” Felipe exclaimed. “If you start the day with cornflakes and are starting on an incredibly high carbohydrate diet.”

The TV doctor revealed: “84g per 100g, so corn flakes are almost 85 percent carbohydrate. [Whereas] blueberries are 10 percent, it’s 10 g per 100 g. ”

Regarding Dr. Zoe’s advice, she said: “You can live a low carb lifestyle and that has benefits for some people, but one change that I think people can think of is switching from refined carbohydrates to whole grains.

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“If we use bread as an example, have whole wheat bread instead of white bread, brown rice instead of white rice.”

He also went on to say, “I think there is a large group of yo-yo dieters, and for many people, stopping dieting might be the best thing you can do for your health.

“We know that if you’ve been on a diet for many years of your life and lose a little weight, then gain it back, gain a little more, it can be a bit detrimental to your health to diet.

“It can mean that you develop a bad relationship with food and a very bad relationship with yourself.

“If you are trying to lose weight for health reasons, there are many other approaches you can take; increase nutrition in the foods you eat, be more active, not active for weight loss but active for all the other positive benefits, sleep better, reduce stress levels, ”added Dr. Zoe.


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