Does lack of sleep have a bad effect on the heart? Know what health experts say

It is often said that a person should sleep 7 to 8 hours. It affects mental health and physical health. A continued lack of sleep has a direct impact on overall health. Due to this, they become victims of many diseases. Which increases the risk of serious illnesses like diabetes, depression, kidney disease and stroke.

Blood pressure increases due to lack of sleep. This can put pressure on the heart and blood vessels over time. Lack of sleep can cause hormonal changes that increase stress and inflammation, which can contribute to heart disease. The causative factor of the disease is an increased risk of heart attack. Lack of sleep increases the risk of non-fatal and fatal heart attacks.

Risk of these heart diseases due to lack of sleep

1. High blood pressure
If someone does not sleep 8 hours, the hormone cortisol begins to increase in the body. This increases pressure on the heart. This increases blood pressure, which is a heart disease. As a result, the risk of heart attack increases.

2. Body swelling problem
Due to lack of adequate sleep, hormones that increase inflammation and stress begin to increase in the body. This swelling can damage the artery. This increases the risk of heart disease. So you have to be careful.

3. Rapid heartbeat
Due to lack of sleep, there is a risk of an irregular heartbeat, called arrhythmia, which can increase the risk of heart attack and stroke. Therefore, one should not stay awake too much at night and sleep completely.

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4. Risk of obesity
People who stay awake for long periods at night have a habit of overeating. Poor sleep can increase appetite because it increases the hormone that increases appetite. This increases the risk of obesity, the leading cause of heart disease.

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5. MCV
The risk of heart disease increases in people with sleep problems, which increases the risk of stroke and heart disease. Good sleep is necessary for good heart health, so attention should be paid to sleep quality.

Disclaimer: Some information given in news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you should consult the relevant expert.

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