Does obesity increase the risk of heart disease? Learn what the whole truth is

For years, everyone has told us through many research that excessive quantities of fat in our body push us to many diseases. & Nbsp; These may include obesity, diabetes and even heart disease. Health experts believe that this happens because the risk of heart disease increases considerably due to the increase in the amount of fat in the muscles. & nbsp;

Fat begins to accumulate in the muscles

If excess fat in skeletal muscles increases, then the risk of many diseases increases. & nbsp; Intramuscular fat should not be confused with the fat of the subcutaneous fat and the intestine found around the internal organs found under the skin. Instead, it begins to accumulate fat in muscle tissue. Because there is a problem in muscle function."Text-Aligne: justify;"> This is the link between muscles rich in heart disease and fat

1. Insulin resistance
Endolar fat is associated with a decrease in insulin sensitivity, which is the precursor of type 2 diabetes. In return, diabetes is a well -established risk factor for heart disease."Text-Aligne: justify;"> 2. Inflammation
Can activate low grade inflammation due to a lot of fat gel in the muscles. Which is involved in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. This means that in simple words, the arteries harden and are narrow."Text-Aligne: justify;"> 3. Bad physical activity
Excessive muscle fat can lead to poor physical function. Due to which the level of activity decreases. In addition, inactivity is one of the main risk factors for heart disease."Text-Aligne: justify;"> Read also: & nbsp; In summer of cold summer drinks can also make a sip for health, a sip can also make a sip

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4. Dispressing fatty acids

Intramcular fat can release free fatty acids in the blood circulation. Which in turn increases the levels of lipids and promotes the accumulation of plaque in the arteries which worsens heart health."Text-Aligne: justify;"> Warning: Some information provided in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing a suggestion, you must consult the expert concerned."Text-Aligne: justify;"> यह भी पढ़ें: & nbsp; Weight loss: how much weight should be reduced in a month, isn’t it? Do you not make this mistake

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