Does sugarcane harm or benefit in diabetes? know right here

Sugarcane Juice Side Effects: Sugarcane juice is seen as a cool drink in summer. It supplies water to the body, as well as provides many nutrients including iron, minerals. It has many advantages. Sugarcane is very sweet. In this, juice is prepared by mixing sugar, salt, lemon and ice. Since sugarcane is sweet in taste, it is important to know whether a sugar patient should drink sugarcane juice or not. Can sugarcane juice increase the sugar level in the blood. Does it harm the diabetic patient or it also has some benefits. Let’s try to know this.

rich in nutrients

Sugarcane juice does not contain sugar completely. If we look at its ratio, then it contains 70 to 75 percent water. There is up to 15 percent fiber and about 15 percent sugar. Sugarcane juice does not go through processed process, so phenolic and flavoid anti-oxidants are found in it. In addition to antioxidant elements, potassium is also available in it, that is why dehydration does not occur by drinking sugarcane juice.

After all, how much sugar is in sugarcane juice?

On taking about 240 ml of sugarcane juice, the amount of sugar in it is up to 50 grams. Calorie 183 and fiber is found up to 13 grams. Protein and fat are absent in sugarcane. Experts say that 240 ml of sugarcane juice comes in one cup. The quantity of sugar in this is equal to 50 grams i.e. 50 grams i.e. 12 spoons. At the same time, the American Heart Association says that men should eat a maximum of 9 teaspoons and women should eat 6 teaspoons of sugar. More sugar than this does a lot of harm. While sugarcane juice contains 12 teaspoons of sugar.

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Sugar can harm the patient

Sugar works to increase glucose in the body. Glucose control is not maintained due to lack of insulin properly. That’s why diabetic patients are advised not to drink sugary drinks. Due to sugar, the sugar level in the body can increase very fast. That’s why it is better that sugar patients keep distance from sugarcane juice.

Disclaimer: Before following the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, do take the advice of a doctor or a related expert.

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