Does vitamin C help with colds?

Does vitamin C help with colds? We know that vitamin C, or ascorbic acid as it is also known, is necessary for the proper functioning of our immune system. So it makes sense that many of us take this supplement when we’re feeling under the weather, or as a preventative method when the weather turns cooler. But is there any evidence that it actually works?

The theory that vitamin C protects us against seasonal colds is relatively new, popularized in the early 1970s by Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling. At the time, he had no hard evidence to back up his claim. In the decades that followed, many scientists tried to determine the exact effect of vitamin C on common colds, but their findings were mostly disappointing. And what’s more, recent studies have produced mixed results. So the answer to the question ‘does vitamin C help with colds?’ it may not be easy.

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