Don’t take mint lightly… It gives relief from 10 diseases caused by winter

Mint Leaves Benefits In Winter: Say green mint or say mint leaves. We usually wait for the summer season to eat them. Because mint has natural properties of giving coolness and freshness. But this does not mean at all that you should not use mint in the winter season. Because mint works wonders in removing the 9 most common health and hygiene problems that occur in winter. Learn about these problems here and how to use mint leaves to avoid them…

Green mint protects from these 10 diseases

  1. cold fever and flu
  2. sore throat and sore throat
  3. cough problem due to chest cold
  4. Prevention of acne on face, shoulders and back
  5. Relief from headache caused by cold and cold air
  6. winter allergy prevention
  7. Helpful in body detox
  8. bad breath prevention
  9. Helpful in keeping teeth healthy
  10. aids in weight loss

When and how to use green mint?

  • For healthy skin, dryness, winter clothes or various types of bacteria cause skin problems during the winter season. To avoid these, you can drink peppermint tea every day.
  • To avoid bad breath, chew mint leaves with a pinch of black salt at any time of the day. There will be instant freshness in the breath.
  • To avoid cough-fever and cold- you can consume mint chutney every day. Mint chutney can sometimes be made with tomato-onion and sometimes with green chillies and green coriander.
  • Sadness increases in the winter season. Due to this, the mood starts to remain low. To avoid this problem, you can use mint leaves. Eat mint leaves by chopping them on salads, fruits etc. or use them in garnishing.
  • If you want, you can also start the day in the winter season with the seductive scent and freshness of mint. You keep a cup of water warm and when the water becomes hot, put 5-6 mint leaves in it, now cover and cook on low flame for 5 minutes and then filter and enjoy it.
  • You can consume this mint tea when it is cold. Because it is antibacterial and antifungal, it gives instant relief in cold and flu.
  • If there is a problem in the stomach due to cold or eating something wrong, then drink tea of ​​mint leaves. But if there is a problem like constipation and indigestion, then chew 4-5 mint leaves with black salt and eat them.

Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

Read also: If a little control is kept on the diet, then winter is the best season to become thin… More fat decreases with less effort.

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