Double D Fitness: Simon brothers expand gym enterprise into wellness store – Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

9 hours ago

Both Dexter (left) and Derrick Simon have brought their personal training businesses online during the covid19 pandemic. And while restrictions are lifted, Derrick says some of his customers prefer to stay online. -ROGER JACOB

Personal trainers Derrick and Dexter Simon have added a new business venture to their fitness portfolio. On January 5, the Simon brothers will open the doors of Double D Fitness, a nutrition and fitness store, on Kilbracken Road in Glencoe.

Derrick told Business Day that the store took about seven years to build and is the “end game” in the complete nutrition and fitness package they’ve always wanted to give their customers.

“In the store we have sections with shelves dedicated to specific objectives and needs. It is as if each customer has a shelf in the store dedicated to their personal needs. As professionals, we have already identified and stocked products that will make our clients perform at their best… I am a World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) certified trainer, so all products are under WADA control and safe , clean and certified for use and international competition.”

He said that over the years, he and his brother, through their different areas of fitness expertise, have built a community of athletes and customers who they want to fully support through training and provide access to products. good and quality that have been tested. and tested internationally, at the best price.

“We are professionals who fight for the highest standards. My brother is a professional bodybuilder and I am a certified track and field coach, UCI (Union Cycliste Internationale) cycling coach, triathlon coach, swimming coach, and expert track and field coach. We both have a high degree of international exposure.” The UCI is the world governing body for professional cycling.

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Derrick said that over the last seven years they have built up an active clientele of between 750 and 1,000 people who use their services on a monthly basis.

Professional bodybuilder and personal trainer Dexter Simon shares a life motto: there are no excuses. -ROGER JACOB

“We’re talking about people who, through our various platforms, access body transformation, resistance training, resistance training, Iron Man athletes, track sprinters, road and mountain bike cyclists, swimmers, transformation of children and a youth academy for multisport. We also deal with people who are focused on maintaining a healthy lifestyle.”

But at a time when many businesses are closing due to the financial hits caused by covid19, and when many people are struggling to make ends meet, is now a good time to invest in a new business venture? The Simon brothers told Business Day that they felt the time was right.

“Now is a good time to do it because we have always tried to stay one step ahead of the curve in training and nutrition.”

Derrick said that while other similar establishments were forced to close their doors, his Diego Martin-based gym, Asylum Fitness, has not been financially affected by the pandemic thanks to its business acumen. He said that when the Prime Minister announced the first lockdown in March 2020, two days later they had already managed to get their clients online, with about 75 per cent preferring to continue training online even after gyms physically reopened.

Fitness expert Derrick Simon is a distributor of SIS (Science in Sport) products and the only distributor in the Caribbean of SOS hydration products. -ROGER JACOB

“Now we have fewer in-person sessions, which is more manageable. But even though we are training online, the professional care and guidance we offer our clients remains the same.”

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He said that change is a part of life and business, and being dynamic, forward-thinking and aggressive in your approach is key.

“Don’t be afraid of change, do your best to take advantage of it by turning difficult situations into something positive.”

He said covid19 brought sickness and death around the world, especially among people who were not in the best of health.

“Your health should always be your first priority. A job, a car, material things cannot help you when you are sick. You must be in good health, physically and mentally, so that you have the tools to fight the virus and any changes that come with it. That’s where we can help.”

Three years ago, he said he and his brother started the One a Week Youth Academy, visiting schools in Diego Martin and doing a talent search to recruit members.

Twin brothers, certified trainers and fitness experts Derrick (left) and Dexter Simon will make a seven-year dream come true when they officially open the Double D Fitness store on February 5.

“We selected 15 children who we fully support by providing them with running clothes, training and psychological support. We offered training to their parents regarding nutrition and what to feed their children. We hand out baskets and help them with school work. Since then it has grown from 15 to about 35 kids now, and at least six of them are now national-level athletes.”

He said that about 80 percent of the funding for that project comes from his own pockets and the rest from sponsors and community members. But with the opening of Double D, he envisions a more financially stable future for the academy and more opportunities to change the lives of children, their families and communities.

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Dexter Simon shows off some of the products and equipment available at Double D Fitness, the store that he and his brother, Derrick, will officially open on February 5 in Glencoe. -ROGER JACOB

“For us, Double D is not just a commercial module, but a way to support the foundations that we have. We want it to be the main sponsor and catalyst behind any financial need we may find in the future,” especially for the youth academy, “to give young people more opportunities in life. We want to encourage and train some of these young athletes to become Olympians.”

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