DR MEGAN ROSSI: How bread can be good for you (especially if you make your own!)

Personally, I’m not a fan of cutting anything out of your diet entirely – it’s rarely medically justified and can leave you at risk of nutritional deficiencies.

But many of the people I see at the clinic have chosen at one time or another to eliminate a staple from their diets: bread.

The low-carb movement, associations with weight gain, and of course, the gluten it contains have helped make bread the dietary equivalent of naughty stepping in the eyes of many.

But bread can be a convenient source of nutrients, and let’s face it, a good slice of freshly baked bread is one of life’s pleasures, and I don’t want to start denying that to people.

DR MEGAN ROSSI: How bread can be good for you (especially if you make your own!)

Personally, I’m not a fan of cutting anything out of your diet entirely — it’s rarely medically justified and can leave you at risk of nutritional deficiencies, writes Dr. Megan Rossi (pictured)

For any of you who have turned your back on bread, let me explain why you should think again.

Grainy types of bread (sold as whole grain, for example) can be a good way to include whole grains (eg, wheat, barley, oats, rye) in your diet, and there is increasing evidence that whole grains can improve gut health, help control weight, and reduce your risk of serious illnesses like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and certain types of cancer.

The ‘whole’ grain consists of three parts: the bran (a fiber-rich outer layer); the germ (an inner section full of nutrients) and the endosperm (the central part full of starch).

The fiber content keeps you full longer and feeds your gut microbes, which convert this fiber into short-chain fatty acids that help maintain the intestinal lining, regulate appetite hormones, and reduce inflammation.

The evidence for including whole grains is pretty compelling: A study involving 400,000 people found that those with the highest intake of whole grains had a 20 percent lower risk of heart disease than those with the lowest intake. Another study, involving 130,000 people, found that whole grain intake was linked to lower body weight, the journal Nutrients reported in 2019.

Bread can be a convenient source of nutrients, and let's face it, a good slice of freshly baked bread is one of life's pleasures, and I don't want to start denying people those

Bread can be a convenient source of nutrients, and let's face it, a good slice of freshly baked bread is one of life's pleasures, and I don't want to start denying people those

Bread can be a convenient source of nutrients, and let’s face it, a good slice of freshly baked bread is one of life’s pleasures, and I don’t want to start denying people those

The ideal is three servings of whole grains a day: one serving is equivalent to a slice of bread, half a cup of cooked cereal or 40 g of raw oatmeal, for example. Remember that variety is key.

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Bread can also provide many other nutrients, depending on the type you eat.

In terms of nutrition, sourdough is hard to beat. It is made with flour and water and left to ferment for up to 36 hours (instead of adding baker’s yeast as is normally done with most breads).

did you know

Even ‘healthy’ oils can become harmful if heated above their smoke point. At this point, the fat breaks down rapidly and the oil emits smoke. Most good quality oils, including extra virgin olive oil, thanks to its plant-protective chemicals, can be used for most home cooking methods, with a smoking point of around 190c to 210c .

The bacteria and wild yeast naturally present in the flour slowly ferment the bread, unlocking nutrients like zinc and B vitamins, making it easier to absorb than other breads.

The fermentation process also reduces the levels of gluten in the bread (gluten is the protein in the grains that provides the gooey quality seen in raw dough); this may be beneficial for people with gluten intolerance (although it is not low enough). levels for people with celiac disease, whose bodies react to the presence of gluten by attacking the gut).

Some research also suggests that sourdough provides less of a blood sugar spike than other breads and in the clinic I tend to find it to be a better choice for people with diabetes.

But keep in mind that some mass-produced sourdoughs will have yeast added to reduce fermentation time, making it cheaper to make, but this reduces the health benefits. A genuine sourdough should have a slightly tart flavor and a chewy crumb.

I’m a huge fan of homemade bread, and let me explain why you might want to try baking your own. People assume that making bread will involve a lot of kneading and time. But my recipe (see box) is genuinely one of the simplest things I make.

The problem with most mass-produced breads is that they are highly processed: the breads tend to contain additives to keep them fresh and emulsifiers to give them that soft, doughy texture.

These additives have passed rigorous safety tests, but this evidence predates more recent research suggesting that some of them may alter our gut microbes and promote gut inflammation (something my team at King’s College London is currently exploring in a trial in humans).

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Also, sliced ​​white bread (gulp, the nation’s favorite) is made from wheat that has had the nutritious, stringy outer part of the grain removed.

Whole grains contain around 75% more nutrients than these refined versions.

The lower fiber content of white bread (two slices of whole grain provide 6 g of fiber; white bread provides less than a quarter of that) means the sugar in the bread has nothing to slow down your digestion, so this tends to cause higher spikes in blood sugar – often leading to feeling hungry again shortly after eating. Making your own bread, on the other hand, means you don’t need additives and can maximize its nutritional potential.

I was inspired to add carrot to my recipe (above) after reading a study from Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand in 2021, which showed that adding vegetables to bread makes you more satisfied and reduces insulin release.

Of course, there are times when it is not feasible to make your own. In those cases, use this checklist to help you make the best decisions:

1. Check the fiber/carbohydrate ratio. You want at least 1 g of fiber for every 10 g of carbohydrates.

2. Make sure there is no added sugar – look for names like glucose or dextrose.

3. Opt for varieties with added seeds (eg, pumpkin) and mixed grains (eg, oats): The more plant diversity in your diet, the better.

4. Check food additives, aiming for no more than one, if applicable.

And what is the best way to eat it? Instead of making it a simple tomato and cheese sandwich, layer it with at least three plants; for example, roasted peppers, tomatoes, and beets work perfectly with a quality cheddar cheese, keeping both your taste buds and your gut microbes satisfied.

Try This: Sourdough Wheat Bread

makes 1 loaf

I fell in love with wheat bread in Ireland and my father-in-law entrusted me with his foolproof recipe. With a few gut-loving tweaks, I present an innovative bread with a crispy crust and deliciously moist crumb – you’ll never need to buy bread again.

  • 300g wholemeal flour
  • 200g live thick yogurt
  • ½ teaspoon sea salt
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 tablespoon of sesame seeds
  • 1 tablespoon pumpkin seeds
  • 100g grated carrot
  • 3 sprigs of thyme leaves or 1 teaspoon of dried thyme

Preheat oven to 200c/180c fan/gas mark 6.

Mix half the flour with the yogurt and 100ml of water. Cover the container with a clean kitchen cloth and leave to ferment for about five hours.

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When ready to bake, mix together remaining ingredients, using a butter knife to combine. Be careful not to overwork the dough as this will make it tough.

Place the dough on a lightly floured baking sheet and shape into a loaf shape. Mark a cross at the top with a knife.

Bake for 40 minutes, or until golden brown, checking that the bottom is dry and the loaf sounds hollow when tapped. Let it cool down completely.

Well wrapped, it will last two days at room temperature, five days in the fridge or three months in the freezer. I freeze mine in individual servings so I always have a slice of delicious bread on hand (just thaw in the microwave for a minute).

ask megan

I was recently diagnosed with celiac disease and switched to a gluten-free diet. I have no idea how long I’ve had it, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was my whole life. Is there a way to tell if there has been permanent damage to the lining of my intestine?

Martin Rubinstein.

I am sorry to hear that you have been living with undiagnosed celiac disease for so long. You’re certainly not alone, it’s believed that around half a million people in the UK are unaware they have this autoimmune disease, in which your body attacks its own tissues when you eat gluten. A biopsy is the only way to confirm that the lining of your intestine has fully recovered.

The good news is that for most people who completely avoid gluten, the intestinal lining tends to heal within 12 months.

It’s also worth discussing your bone health with your GP, because people who have lived with undiagnosed celiac disease are at risk of osteoporosis. You may be referred for a bone density scan to get a better look at the health of your bones.

While there is currently no cure for celiac disease, there are a number of promising clinical trials underway testing drugs that block the body’s reaction to gluten (similar to peanut allergies). Fingers crossed.

Contact Dr. Megan Rossi

Email [email protected] or write to Good Health, Daily Mail, 2 Derry Street, London W8 5TT; include contact information. Dr. Megan Rossi cannot enter personal correspondence. Answers should be taken in a general context; Always see her GP if she has any health problems.


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