Dr Michael Mosley shares three food groups to avoid to speed up fat burning

Founder of the Fast 5:2 diet, Dr Michael Moseley has claimed three categories that diets should avoid if you want to lose weight.

Counseling based on the principles of ketogenic diet, is believed to put your body into “fat burning” mode. The doctor stressed ITV this morning that simply cutting calories is not always the best way to lose pounds, and dieters should take note of the amount of sugar, starchy carbohydrates, and processed meat they eat.

As the Daily log Dr. Michael reportedly shared how avoiding sugar, starchy carbohydrates, and processed meat can transform the body’s metabolism. He urged viewers to stop indulging in sugary drinks, cereals and even fruit smoothies with high sugar content.

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He said: “Cut back on sugar, sugary treats, drinks and desserts. That includes most breakfast cereals, which are often packed with sugar, as well as most commercial milkshakes.”

But unlike other weight-loss tips that focus on cutting fat from the diet, Dr. Michael said people should avoid or minimize starchy carbohydrates, listing white bread, pasta, potatoes, and white rice as the culprit in many people’s weight gain. Introducing legumes such as lentils, beans and chickpeas into meals as “healthy and filling” alternatives, he added, is a good way to cut cost at the grocery store, as well as offering health benefits.

The weight loss expert added: “Switch to whole grains, including bulgur (cracked wheat), whole rye, whole barley, wild rice, and buckwheat. Brown rice is fine.”

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In addition to advising people to switch to whole grains, he also suggests that people follow a Mediterranean-style diet. He told This Morning viewers in a segment last Monday: “That means more olive oil and nuts, as well as lots of eggs, full-fat yogurt, oily fish and vegetables. Make sure to fill up on protein and vegetables on your fasting days. Protein is very filling and you can eat a lot of vegetables for very few calories.”

Ultra-processed meats should be avoided, as well as processed foods in general, according to their website. fast800 as they are often “full of sugar, fat, and salt, as well as chemical flavorings and preservatives.”

The doctor’s site lists these foods as: “Chicken nuggets, hamburgers, French fries, pizzas, hot dogs, pre-packaged meals, mass-produced ice cream, candy, French fries, energy bars, baked goods, cookies, margarine, and just about anything else. thing that says ‘instant,’ meaning instant noodles, soups, and desserts.”

Dr. Michael added that these foods are designed to activate reward circuits in our brains, “so once we start eating them, it’s very hard for us to stop.”

The health expert defends his Fast 5:2 diet as a safe way to lose weight, saying, “Today we have stronger evidence than ever that the 5:2 diet is one of the best ways to lose weight and stay slim.” – as well as reduce your risk of disease.”

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This Morning airs Monday to Friday at 10am on ITV and the ITV Hub.


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