Dr Michael Mosley’s weight loss diet ‘can burn up to five pounds of fat a week’

Diet expert Dr. Michael Mosley has created a new weightloss plan that claims to help you lose up to five pounds in a week.

The doctor appears regularly on the hit daytime show This morning where he is considered your resident weight loss expert.

He created the famous 5:2 diet, but his newest, the Fast 800 Keto plan, is set to see weight loss results.

explaining the dietCombining Keto and Fast 800, Dr. Michael said, “Fast 800 Keto is different from your typical high-fat, low-carb ketogenic diet.

“The Fast 800 Keto builds on the science that provides the foundation for The Very Fast 800 and simply cuts carbs even further to push your body into more consistent nutritional ketosis.”

So how does it work?

How does the Fast 800 Keto plan work?

Ketogenic diet foods are the key
(Image: Getty Images)

Ketosis is the metabolic state that occurs when the body does not have enough glucose from carbohydrates to burn for energy.

In turn, the body seeks energy in the form of glycogen (glucose stored in the muscles and liver).

When glycogen stores are depleted, about 10 to 12 hours after eating, the body turns to fat for energy.

Ketosis can be achieved by reducing the amount of carbohydrates consumed, or through intermittent fasting or time-restricted eating, also known as fasting ketosis.

Dr. Michael’s new diet is a mix of the two, all while being in a calorie deficit.

Diet expert Dr. Michael Mosley has created a new weight loss plan

There are three stages to the Fast 800 Keto plan:

Stage one: rapid weight loss

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Aim for 800-900 calories a day for two to 12 weeks, with protein supplementation to bring calorie intake to 1,000 if needed.

Eat at least 50g of protein and less than 50g of carbohydrates a day, and you should lose 1-2kg a week.

Second stage: intermittent fasting

800-900 calories on four to five consecutive days a week and a portion-controlled but more relaxed approach on non-fasting days (increasing protein to 60-80g).

Try ‘time-restricted dining’, which sets your eating window to 12 hours each day (for example, 8 am to 8 pm).

Stage three: maintenance

No counting calories, but control your weight.

Eat a Mediterranean-style diet with one gram of protein per kilogram of body weight per day.

One way to make sure you’re getting enough protein is to add nuts, Greek yogurt, or a piece of cheese to meals.

As for time-restricted meals, skipping breakfast and having a high-protein brunch later in the morning can not only set you up for the day, but, as Dr. Michael discovered, “makes it much easier keep total calorie intake low.

It is recommended to follow the Fast 800 Keto plan for no more than 12 weeks, and it is recommended that you consult a doctor before embarking on a rapid weight loss journey.

In terms of how the plan helps with weight loss, in December 2021, Dr. Michael completed seven days of The Fast 800 Keto and saw great results.

He explained: “There is compelling evidence that when you use a ketogenic meal plan, you get into ketosis faster and start burning more fat.

“However, it can be difficult with such a restriction, so it is not for everyone.

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The diet expert added: “In just seven days I have lost 4.8lbs (2.2kg), two centimeters around my waist, my blood pressure is down 10 points into the super healthy range and my fasting blood sugars early in in the morning they have dropped from 5.6 (borderline prediabetic) to 4.6 (super healthy), all in seven days.

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