Dublin family pleading for help to find home suitable for son

A Dublin father asks for help to move his son who has a mental health disorder to a more suitable home.

James Carey started a petition to get the attention of Dublin City Council last year.

Their son Jackson, 9, has emotional and behavioral disorders (EBD), and the family’s accommodation at Oliver Bond’s Dublin 8 flats is not suitable for his condition, with James and his son now sleeping in a single bed at James’s mother’s house. House.

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James said dublin live: “Jackson has complete breakdowns, and our current accommodation, while we have tried to make it as comfortable as possible for our family to live in, is simply not suitable for the type of condition Jackson suffers from.

“Jackson needs an open space and larger housing so he can safely regulate and control his anger, extreme mood swings and uncontrollable physical episodes.”

James said the family has been waiting since last August for a medical transfer home from the Council.

He added: “Our family has been separated in the last five weeks, Jackson’s mother and his two sisters are at home and he and I are sleeping at his grandmother’s house, which is a small two-bedroom apartment, and we are sleeping only one”. bed together

“It has caused us enormous stress as a family.”

Jackson Carey needs a move from home to a more suitable environment
(Image: James Carey)

James says that the family’s current home is not suitable for any children.

He said: “It’s shown me how important it is for a child to have the right environment to grow up in and Oliver Bond’s apartments are a complete mess with drug dealing and everything that goes on, it’s just too dangerous.

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“We are in a situation with no other avenues except a transfer, and we are asking for help to help our son.”

Dublin Live has contacted Dublin City Council for comment.

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Read more: Dublin dad requests a suitable home for his son with mental health disorder so the family can live a happier life

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