Due to Corona, the danger of measles is now hovering over your children, WHO issued an alert

Measles Treatment: Kovid has badly affected the country and the world. Its effect is being seen. Due to cavid, children were not given measles vaccination in many countries. India itself has not remained untouched by this. The danger of spreading measles has also increased in many parts of the country. The situation in Mumbai is very bad. Doctors say that measles is a highly contagious disease. That is, it spreads rapidly from one person to another. If a child in the family has measles, isolate them immediately and start treatment.

Why the risk of measles increased?

According to media reports, WHO has said that the risk of spreading measles has increased in many countries of the world. This has happened because there has been a decrease in measles vaccination due to Kovid. Measles surveillance also decreased. For this reason the risk of disease kept on increasing. Now it is spreading rapidly in many countries.

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Measles vaccination campaign is run by WHO, UNICEF. Vaccination has been missed this time due to Covid. According to the report, in 2021, about 4 crore children have missed the dose of measles vaccine. 2.5 crore children did not take their first dose, while the number of children who did not take the second dose is around 1.5 crore. Globally only 81 percent of children have received the first dose and 71 percent have received the second dose. About 22 big countries are battling with measles attack. WHO officials say that more work will have to be done for the next 12 to 14 months. Only then the situation can be controlled.

If there is 95 percent vaccination then it will be a matter

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WHO officials say that according to the CDC, an infected person can infect at least 10 close people. This number can also be more. The risk of measles can be completely eliminated through vaccination. To prevent outbreaks among the population, it is necessary to have at least 95 percent vaccine.

these are the symptoms

Symptoms of measles appear about 10 to 14 days after exposure to the virus. Symptoms include fever, dry cough, runny nose, sore throat, conjunctivitis, rashes, pneumonia, swelling of the brain. Measles rash is made up of small red spots. Some of these are slightly raised. Let’s start with the face first. Over the next few days, the rash spreads to the arms, chest, back, thighs, and legs. These rashes can last for about seven days. They become lighter first from the face and finally from the thighs and legs. Where there are grains, that part turns black. It lasts for about 10 days.

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