Due to pollution, obesity and diabetes are affecting urban children as compared to village children.

New Study On Kids Health: Where the rapidly increasing pollution has worsened the health, it has also badly affected the entire development cycle of urban children. Due to increasing pollution, the development of urban children has decreased and diseases like obesity and sugar have surrounded them more than the children of villages. Recently, research conducted by an international organization has revealed that in the last two decades, obesity and sugar have increased faster in urban children than in rural children. In this research the researchers This conclusion has been drawn after studying the health and physical development of about 71 crore children from 200 countries in collaboration with health experts. It has been said that the children living in the city have come under the grip of urban pollution, diseases like obesity and sugar, and due to this their physical development has decreased as compared to the children of the village.

In this research, during the time period from 1990 to 2020, children between the age of five to 19 years have been studied and the children of the village and the city have prepared a blueprint of different physical development, which was later classified on the basis of BMI. Checked. This research has been published in the Scientific Magazine Nature of Imperial College London. In the conclusion of the research, it has been said that even though the development in rural areas has decreased in the last two decades, there has been a decrease in malnutrition.

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More nutrition in the village than the children living in the city

In the last 20 years, the average height of children in rural areas has increased by about four centimeters more than that of urban children. Not only this, if the BMI level of the children of the nineties is compared, then the BMI of children living in rural areas was less than that of urban children. But in later years it was reversed and now this difference has remained very minor. Let us tell you that where we are talking about those urban areas which, despite being in urban areas, are of the level of slums. There is a lot of open defecation, filth, unemployment and pollution here, in comparison to this the children of the village are said to be healthier, because there is no nutritional deficiency and pollution is also less as compared to these slums.

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