Eating junk food when stressed can cause anxiety

Stress and anxiety have become commonplace in today’s busy lifestyle. People often resort to junk food to escape from their busyness and problems. But a recent study shockingly revealed that eating junk food when stressed can further increase anxiety.



This study by a group of health experts found that when people are stressed, they sugar And eat fatty foods. This intake can increase their anxiety level. The study also showed that eating junk food during times of stress not only has a negative impact on mental health, but also on mental health. physical May also harm health.



This study involved 500 people aged 18 to 45. These were divided into two groups. One group was given junk food under stressful conditions, while the other group was given wholesome, wholesome foods. balance Food was provided. The aim of the study was to understand the impact of food type on mental health during times of stress. Health But what effect does this have?



The study results showed that people who consumed junk food in stressful situations had more symptoms of anxiety. On the contrary, those who In good health After following this diet, they had lower levels of stress and anxiety. The study also showed that what is present in junk food High Sugars and fats may provide immediate relief, but in the long term they Mental Are harmful to health.

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