Eating Low-Carb? Here Are 15 Vegetables Worth Adding To Your Diet

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Eat your vegetables. It’s a command most have heard since they were old enough to pick up a fork, and if you’re a parent, you probably say it to your own kids all the time. although we to know eating vegetables is important, not something most of us are good at. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Preventiononly 10 percent of adults meet the recommended daily intake of fruits and vegetables.

While all vegetables are packed with beneficial nutrientsLow-carb vegetables in particular are a great way to make a meal more satiating without increasing the calorie content too much. “Vegetables are packed with health-promoting vitamins and minerals, plus satiating fiber. They are the perfect complement to help build a healthy plate, without adding a lot of extra calories,” he says. Keri Gans, MS, RDN, CDNa registered dietitian, author of The small change diet and podcast host The Keri Report.

“Vegetables generally fall into two groups, starchy and non-starchy vegetables,” he says. Stefani Sassos, MS, RDN, CDN, a registered dietitian and deputy director of the Nutrition Laboratory at the Good Housekeeping Institute. Sassos explains that starchy vegetables tend to have more carbohydrates and less fiber than their non-starchy counterparts. She also notes that starchy vegetables tend to affect blood sugar levels more.

Again, all vegetables are nutritious. “We know that a produce-rich diet can help reduce the risk of a number of chronic diseases, from heart disease to certain types of cancer,” says Sassos. “Vegetables in general are packed with a variety of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber, and more, making them an essential part of a healthy diet.” If you’re looking to increase your intake of low-carb vegetables in particular, there’s no shortage to choose from. Do you need some ideas? How about 15?

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“Leafy green vegetables, such as spinach, romaine lettuce, kale, and collard greens, are a good source of antioxidants that help protect the body against free radicals,” says Gans. Free radicals they are atoms that damage cells and are impossible to escape; they are in air pollution, chemicals, and even UV rays from the sun. Over time, exposure to free radicals can damage cells in the body, which can have a negative impact on health. Consider foods rich in antioxidants, such as green leafy vegetables, a protective shield. “Green leafy vegetables especially provide bone-promoting calcium and heart-healthy folate,” adds Gans, naming two other health benefits of this low-carb food.

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There’s a reason spiralized zucchini has become a popular way to cut carbs over traditional pasta; a medium zucchini only has six grams of carbohydrates. “zucchini noodles make a great swap for spaghetti and lasagna in many recipes, helping to keep blood sugar levels in check,” says Sassos. Gans adds that pumpkin is a good source of fiber, which promotes digestive health, and also contains vitamin C, which supports the immune system.

Another low-carb vegetable that supports the immune system is broccoli. “A cup of broccoli it contains even more vitamin C than an orange,” says Sassos. Pretty impressive, right? It also says that broccoli contains lutein and zeaxanthin, which are key to eye health. That’s not all, either. Gans adds that broccoli contains vitamins me Y kwhich help protect against illnesses and chronic diseases.

Somewhat of a cousin to broccoli, cauliflower boasts so many nutritional benefits without greatly increasing the carbohydrate content of your meal. Like broccoli, Gans says cauliflower has vitamins C, E and K. In fact, one serving of cauliflower has the recommended daily amount of vitamin C.

Mushrooms they really are magical, even if they are just the shiitake, button and portobello variety. “Many mushrooms contain vitamin D, which sets them apart from other vegetables,” says Gans, adding that vitamin D is crucial for calcium absorption.

Whether you’re enjoying stuffed peppers, marinated either mixed in a dipYou’ll be doing your immune system a big favor: They’re packed with vitamin C. “They’re also high in carotenoids, another antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties, so bell peppers may also help lower your risk of heart disease and certain cancers.” Gans says.

Asparagus is another low-carb vegetable that is especially good for cardiovascular health, also linked to lowering LDL cholesterol. Sassos offers a pro tip for keeping asparagus fresh: Wrap the edges of the stems in a damp paper towel, then place them in a plastic bag before transferring to the refrigerator. This will help them last even longer. That way, you’ll have more time to do roasted asparagus with creamy feta cheese or enjoy vegetables in other delicious ways.

Celery isn’t just a vehicle for peanut butter or a garnish for a Bloody Mary; it’s a super low-carb, low-calorie way to up your fiber content. “Celery also contains apigenina flavonoid that research shows may play a role in preventing breast cancer cells from inhibiting their own death by turning them into normal cells that die on schedule,” says Sassos.

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With a water content of about 96 percent, cucumbers are one of the most hydrating vegetables you’ll find in the produce section. The hydration benefits combined with their antioxidant content makes them a bona fide beauty food. that’s good for your skin. “Look for firm, dark green cucumbers that are large in size,” says Sassos. This indicates that the vegetable is at its most mature and richest in nutrients.

“Certain nutrients found in cabbage and other cruciferous vegetables may help prevent certain types of cancer,” says Sassos. At this point, a scientific study found a lower rate of breast cancer among people in the US than Poland who ate cabbage and sauerkraut regularly growing up compared to Americans who did not eat these foods regularly when they were younger.

Although avocados are filling, they are not high in carbohydrates; half an avocado has about 8.5 grams. “Avocados themselves do not contain cholesterol and the unsaturated fats they contain do having can help to get ‘bad cholesterol under control,” says Sassos. “According to the Hass Avocado TableAvocados are also the richest known fruit source of phytosterols, compounds important for lowering cholesterol.” That means it’s another low-carb vegetable (well, technically a fruit), to add to your list of heart-healthy foods.

Brussels sprouts they’ve become a main menu item at trendy restaurants and adding them to your meal can be a great way to get a good helping of fiber before your main course even arrives. One serving only has eight grams of carbohydrates, and eating them regularly supports the digestive system, immune health, and heart health. If you’re buying Brussels sprouts to cook at home, look for ones that are firm, compact, and bright green. “Remember that the leaves cook faster than the center, so cut them in half or quarters when roasting or cut an ‘X’ on the bottom of the stem if you’re blanching whole,” says Sassos.

beets they’re another low-carb veggie that Sassos says are worth incorporating into your meals. Beets are especially a good source of potassium, a key nutrient for both heart and nervous system health. It is also a good source of folic acid, which is important for cellular health. Not sure what to do with your beets? Try incorporating them into a fettuccine dish with hazelnuts and goat cheese.

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“All vegetables, regardless of the amount of carbohydrates, should be part of a healthy eating plan,” says Gans. If you don’t like steamed vegetables, she encourages you to experiment with cooking them in different ways, such as grilling, roasting, or lightly sautéing. Then incorporate them into foods you like, such as pasta sauces, stews, soups, or omelettes.

Bookmark the list of 15 low-carb vegetables featured here and make it your goal to cook with a new choice each week. Not only will your meals be tastier, but you’ll also be increasing your intake of fiber and other nutrients in the process.

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Emily Lawrence is a freelance writer and certified health coach. He specializes in writing on the topics of mental health, fitness, healthy eating, and social justice. Emily spent six years as an editor and writer at Well+Good covering everything from food trends to serious topics like America’s opioid crisis, gun violence, and sexual abuse of women in hospital settings. She has also worked on Seventeen, Elle, and Twist magazines. Her work can be seen regularly online for publications like Forbes, Parade, Shape, and The Huffington Post. Emily lives in Raleigh, North Carolina with her cat Evie.

As a registered dietitian, stefani sasos is dedicated to evidence-based nutrition reporting. She takes the pulse of the latest research and trends in nutrition, translating to readers which principles are backed by science and worth incorporating into a healthy lifestyle (and which fads are worth avoiding). She believes in the power of a plant-based diet and is passionate about finding ways to incorporate nutritious produce into everyday meals and recipes.

keri gans, EM, RDN, CDN, is a certified nutritionist and registered dietitian. she is the author of The One Small Change Diet and the host of The Keri Report podcast. As a health food expert, Gans regularly contributes to US News & World Report, Form Y Health Forbes.

Emily is a freelance writer and certified health coach.

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