Eating More of These Fruits and Vegetables Will Help Ward Off Depression and Anxiety

The benefits of fruits and vegetables seem limitless. These nutritious foods are low in fat and salt, but full of plant fiber, which prevents constipation and helps absorb water and nutrients from food. Soluble fiber, found in many products such as peas, beans, apples, citrus, and more, can also help lower cholesterol and regulate blood sugar levels

In addition, the vitamins and minerals in fruits and vegetables play a very important role in the immune system and the prevention of certain diseases. Regular consumption of phytochemicals, or plant chemicals, has been linked to a lower risk of type 2 diabetes, stroke, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, and even some forms of cancer.

What are the mental health benefits?

Many of us do not pay attention to the benefits that fruits and vegetables can have on our mental health as well. According to a study published in the Journal of affective disorders, fruit and vegetable intake is associated with lower risks of depression and anxiety. To reach these conclusions, the researchers analyzed data from more than 65,000 people and measured self-reported symptoms of anxiety and depression. They then measured fruit and vegetable intake in the participants. After careful analysis, scientists found that consumption of colorful fruits was associated with significantly lower risks of depressive and anxiety symptoms. Colorful vegetables were linked to a lower risk of depressive symptoms.

Why could this be? Previous research has revealed a connection between altered gut microbial composition and major depressive disorder, according to Dr. Emeran Mayer, professor at the UCLA Geffen School of Medicine and author of The Mind-Gut Connection. A working theory, published in the journal cureo in 2020, is that inflammation in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract can cause neuroinflammation, which can induce depression. Another article published in Clinics and Practice confirms that an imbalance in gut bacteria and inflammation of the gut are linked to anxiety and depression.

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How can fruits and vegetables help my mental health?

Colorful fruits and vegetables can reduce symptoms of depression because they contain carotenoids. Carotenoids are plant pigments. that give fruits and vegetables their bright red, orange, and yellow colors. They are also a form of phytonutrients, which work as antioxidants in the body to deactivate free radicals and reduce inflammation.

In addition to reducing inflammation in the body in general, carotenoids inhibit the production of inflammatory cytokines. cytokines are molecules that help cells in the body communicate and form an immune response to certain foreign triggers. Too many cytokines can cause what is called a “cytokine storm,” or an overreaction of the immune system. Indeed, the carotenoids in fruits and vegetables can help reduce inflammation not only in the gut, but also in the brain.

The link between fresh, colorful produce and better mental health is supported by multiple additional studies. A study of Frontiers in Psychology found that consumption of raw fruits and vegetables is linked to better mental health compared to consumption of processed fruits and vegetables. Another study published in The British Psychological Society Journal found that eating colorful fruits and vegetables went beyond improving feelings of happiness and life satisfaction. In fact, consumption of fruits and vegetables was linked to greater flourishing in daily life. The researchers classified the state of “blossoming” as feelings of commitment, meaning and purpose in life.

So if you’re looking to improve your mental well-being with your diet, where do you start? Researchers suggest consuming about 2 cups of colorful fruits and vegetables daily. While dietary changes are not a substitute for counseling and professional therapythey can help improve your quality of life in more ways than you may have realized.

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