Eating too close to bedtime is ‘causing havoc’ says Irish nutritionist

Nutritional therapist and Pure Results ‘Minister 4 Happiness’ Aislinn Cambridge shares her top healthy habits we should all follow before bed each night.

“We’re all told not to eat a big meal before a swim or before a sports game, but we’re never told why.

“It’s because digesting food is the biggest job your body can do. It takes the largest amount of blood supply in our body to digest food; that’s why after eating a big meal, people feel like they’re about to fall asleep, her body is exhausted.

“But when we eat slowly we allow our gut, which is the body’s second brain, to tell us when to stop eating.

“At the end of the day, you need to apply the same consideration to what your body has to do to digest food before it goes into rest and recovery mode with sleep. If you’re eating and trying to sleep an hour or two later it will cause havoc because your body can’t digest or rest and recover, the two cancel each other out.

“Both your sleep and digestion will be affected and when combined they will have a severe impact on your mood. I recommend leaving at least three to four hours after a big meal.”

As our body begins to break down at the end of the day, it is common for sugar cravings to start to set in. no.

“It is well known that there is only one molecule of difference in the way your body reacts to sugar and cocaine. However, some feel that it is better to look for ‘sugar-free’ options when trying to eat healthy, but they are actually worse. So-called ‘diet’ drinks contain an ingredient called aspartame that our bodies don’t know how to process and it has a negative effect on our gut and is much more damaging, inflammatory and corrosive than real sugar.”

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“When you think about what happens to a child’s body after sugar, they have a burst of energy, followed by a tantrum before collapsing and falling asleep. The same process happens to an adult’s body, but it lasts for a longer period of time due to our size Sometimes you may not feel the effects of that sugar hit for 1-3 days.

“So if you’re feeling depressed, moody and irritable, the withdrawal effects of sugar are likely leaving your body.

“Unfortunately, all you can do is ride that wave, but you can help the process along by drinking water to cleanse your body of toxins and eating foods that will improve your mood.”

Aislinn will share her wealth of knowledge at the all-inclusive Pure Results Boot Camp in January. Find out more at

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