Excess intake of Vitamin D can make you sick, know everything from experts

Hypervitaminosis D: We all know how important vitamin D is for our health, it strengthens bones, strengthens teeth, and also strengthens the immune system. it occurs. If Vitamin D is not available in the right quantity, the bones become weak and there is a possibility of many diseases related to bones. These things are on the one hand, while on the other hand whenever we Indians often complain of bone pain, most of the people think that it is happening due to Vitamin B deficiency. In such a situation, instead of showing it to the doctor, they start taking the dose of Vitamin D on their own, as a result of overdose, Vitamin D becomes toxic and we get the problem of hypervitaminosis. And then it joins the toxic blood and can cause kidney stress and many more problems. Problem, Confusion, Confusion He was suffering from heart problem, when he was examined, it was found that he was taking Vitamin D supplements by himself, due to which he was suffering from all these problems. The doctor explains that it took a long time to flush the toxin out of his system, adding that people don’t realize that vitamin D deficiency is a common problem when people are exposed to the sun or eat fortified foods. is cured, and does not require medication.

What is hypervitaminosis D?

Vitamin D toxicity or hypervitaminosis D  It is a rare and dangerous condition. It develops when the amount of Vitamin D in your body becomes too high. This problem is never due to diet or sun exposure, but usually due to taking excessive doses of Vitamin D tablets. This vitamin D becomes toxic for the body and starts harming the body. According to experts, there is a lot of vitamin D in some foods, but it is not so much that it harms the body. Vitamin D is also made by exposure to sunlight, but the body is able to control it. But the problem of hypervitaminosis occurs when you take a medicine for vitamin D.

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How to know if there is hypervitaminosis?

Due to excessive amount of Vitamin D in the body, the formation of calcium in the blood increases, this is called hypercalcemia, when this happens one often feels like vomiting, nausea and vomiting. Excessive intake of Vitamin D increases its amount in the blood, which also reaches the heart and kidneys, which can lead to calcium stones in the kidneys. Vitamin D intoxication can also lead to bone problems.

How much vitamin D should a person have?

According to experts, the vitamin should be taken every day. 4000 IU of D should be taken, our body can tolerate this amount. This cannot lead to hypervitaminosis. Women aged 14 to 70 years should take 600 IU of Vitamin D daily. If a person starts taking 60,000 IU of vitamin D every day for several months, the amount of vitamin D can be converted into vitamin D toxicity, so it is important to talk to your doctor before taking vitamin D.

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