EXCLUSIVE: Princes and KraftHeinz to discuss mental health at Employee Benefits Live 2022

EXCLUSIVE: Joe Dent, Chief People Officer and Board Member of Princes Group, and Jurgita Capizzano, KraftHeinz International Benefits Manager (both pictured), have been announced as participants in a panel discussion on health resilience mental in Live Employee Benefits 2022.

The panel will be part of the mental health resilience stream of the conference, which will take place in Theater Two at 2pm on Thursday, October 6. During the session, they will share practical learnings from their own experiences, such as how to make mental health part of standard company culture and why this topic is not a stand-alone issue.

Dent said, “All employees have mental health needs, which need to be continually supported if you’re really going to be okay not to be okay. Mental health is complex and can be situational, which is why companies must take a comprehensive approach to Health & Wellness that focuses not only on emotional well-being, but also on physical and financial health.”

Capizzano added that during the session he will focus on the way mental health lifeguards work at Heinz.

She added: “I will also mention other things we do for mental health at Kraft Heinz. I look forward to delegates learning about the role of mental health first responders and what Kraft Heinz does to support its employees with mental health issues.”

Dent said he hopes delegates will scrap the idea that companies, HOUR and managers do not need to become mental health experts, but should consider working with them for the benefit of their staff and the organization as a whole.

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Live Employee Benefits 2022 will take place on Wednesday 5th and Thursday 6th October 2022 at ExCeL London.

For more information or to register for the show…

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