Exercise Habits for Weight Loss That Science Says Actually Work

Let’s face it: any weight loss process can seem overwhelming at first. The best way to start is by introducing solid methods that have proven to be successful and that you can easily follow. To help in the process, we’re here to share some pretty stellar exercise habits for weight loss that science says actually work. Listen to learn these solid ideas, because there is no better time than the present to start with your Loss of fat trip.

Okay exercise habits are not limited to fat burning workouts in the gym. It is a whole global plan that involves eating well, buying better, managing your stressand design an exercise regimen that fits your lifestyle and that you can reasonably maintain long after you reach your goal. After all, part of a good plan is getting results. The other extreme, after crossing the finish line so to speak, is the ability to stick with it and stay in your new weight state.

As with any successful process, consistency is key. Show up and stick to all parts of your healthy game plan: at the gym, in your kitchen, and at the grocery store. Stay motivated and remind yourself how hard you are working. If you fall a bit on the way, don’t get depressed; just get back on the right track and achieve the results you’re working for.

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It is imperative to eliminate processed foods from all meals.

Before starting any weight loss workoutis essential first check your diet closely. Research shows that you shouldn’t shop when you’re hungry, and you should stay away from things like processed foods. Unfortunately, these items are often the first items people trying to diet buy, as they provide calories on the package trying to look like a best friend. Rather, they often contain added preservatives, sugar, and salt, depending on the Mind body and soul blog via NYU. These ingredients are true diet killers as they will drain your energy and cause your body to keep the weight off.

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Make healthy choices and head to the fresh fruits and vegetables hallway. Also, add beans to your shopping list. These will be delicious meals packed with nutritious calories.

Kick start your cardio and strength sessions with interval training.

woman autumn bodyweight training, exercise habits to lose weight

Now, let’s get into the best exercise habits for weight loss. This power couple—cardio Y strength training— is an important player for your end game. 2012 to study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research reveals that running on your treadmill is more effective than using kettlebells when it comes to losing weight, burning an additional 25% to 39% calories with the same effort. Combine your cardio training with strength training, and now you’re talking about important weightloss results. It is important to build muscle; doing so will continue to burn calories after your workout, according to live strong.

By doing your cardio and strength training in intervals, you can burn fat faster. Interval training is when you alternate fast, intense sessions with low-intensity exercises or a break. Exercising this way will cause your body to metabolize at a higher level during sweat sessions, and then it will take an extended period (hours) for your body to cool down again, according to Prevention. This process is called excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) when you continue to burn calories after you’ve finished exercising. This was revealed by an investigation published in the European Journal of Applied Physiology.

Exercise for an hour or more each day and maintain a calorie deficit.

Getting the right amount of exercise every day is essential. living science reports that around 60 minutes of exercise each day can be effective when you’re trying to tip the scales, according to a review published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association. However, the American College of Sports Medicine explains: “[The] recommended levels of AF [physical activity] can help produce weight loss. However, up to 60 minutes per day may be required when relying solely on exercise for weight loss.”

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Additionally, Luke Hughes, CEO and co-founder of OriGym tells living science, “Doing high levels of physical activity can help you be in a calorie deficit, which means you’re taking in fewer calories than you’re burning, which will result in weight loss.” Hughes adds: “Reducing your calorie intake and increasing the amount of physical activity you get – essentially moving more while eating less – will create a larger calorie deficit and naturally lead to weight loss.”

alexa mellardo

Alexa is the Mind + Body Associate Editor for Eat This, Not That!, overseeing the M+B channel, and providing readers with engaging topics on fitness, wellness, and personal care. Read more about Alexa

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