Experts Agree: This Is The One Breakfast Food You Should Stop Eating Because It Causes Abdominal Fat

Starting the morning with a healthy food it is one of the most important daily steps you can take if your goal is to lose weight. From eggs to waffles to granola, there are many commonly known “healthy” breakfast options, as well as unhealthy ones disguised to have more benefits than they really do. We asked health experts what breakfast foods to consider if you’re trying to lose weight, and how to find healthier versions.

The drawbacks of sugary cereals

Cereal is one of the most convenient meals out there and can be easily customized if you prefer vegan or non-dairy milks. While cereal itself isn’t a bad idea if you’re in a pinch and trying to lose weight, experts say the type of cereal you choose is the difference between a morning full of energy or one that starts off great and ends ok. half. -slump of the day in the afternoon.

“If the goal is to lose weight, eat sweets cereals eating breakfast is a bad idea Dr Robin Baines, MD and health expert. “Sugary cereals they are generally low in fiber,” says Baines, explaining that fiber is very satiating and helps us feel full, which promotes weight loss for longer. “Sugary cereals it can cause insulin levels to rise,” says Baines, “which can lead to a feeling of fatigue.”

Registered Dietitian and Nutritionist Lindsey Desoto points out that unclear portion sizes are another reason why eating cereal can be a misleading choice for someone trying to lose weight. “Many people choose cereal because it’s pretty low in calories, but if you’re not watching portion sizes, one serving can easily turn into two,” says DeSoto.

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He adds that although “not all cereal is bad,” many popular types are packed with and made from “refined carbohydrates that can lead to” visceral fat accumulation. “They also lack fiber and protein, two essential nutrients that have been shown to help shed belly fat,” says DeSoto.

Ultimately, avoiding sugary cereals is helpful if you’re trying to lose weight. However, if you love cereals in general and want to determine which types are healthy and which are not, we’ve put together some helpful tips for your next visit to the supermarket.

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Healthier alternatives to sugary cereals

While giving up all grains will be one person’s weight loss plan, finding a healthier alternative to sugary ones will be a better fit for another person’s diet. If you want to keep cereal in your daily routine, it’s important to read the nutritional information, label, and ingredients before you buy it.

Lots of grains, like health expert Dr. Rand McClain says, they are mislabeled. “Even ‘nutritious’ cereals are often loaded with sugar,” McClain says, so it’s important to be mindful of several things if you choose to eat cereal.

“If you’re a cereal lover, be sure to opt for a brand with whole grains and fiber,” says DeSoto, who also recommends pairing the cereal with a protein source in the morning to cover all the important nutritional facets.

In general, as quick and easy as cereal can be, many popular types and beloved brands are packed with sugar. Some can cause you to miss out on important needs like protein and fiber. There are healthier alternatives, and it’s best to talk to your doctor to come up with a healthy weight loss plan, set goals for yourself, and fuel your body with an energizing breakfast every morning.

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