Experts say these exercises burn the most calories in 30 minutes

Summer is fast approaching and many people hit the gym in an attempt to improve their fitness levels and confidence.

There are so many videos out there claiming that one exercise or method is better than another, and that you should never do a specific one, but in general, any form of exercise that gets your body moving and your heart pumping is going to be good for you.

But for those of you who are more focused on getting results and doing them fast, one expert has claimed that they have identified that these exercises will help you burn the most calories in 30 minutes.

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fitness experts in evaluated a variety of different exercises to identify the 10 that burned the most calories. They based their analysis on how many calories a 190-pound (86-kg) 30-year-old man and a 125-pound (57-kg) 30-year-old woman burned while they did each of the exercises.

They found that vertical climbers are the most effective exercise based on the new data. The exercise burned an average of 617 calories for men and 389 for women in 30 minutes.

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They claim that climbing engages the entire body and is a cardio and strength training exercise. The exercise engages your hamstrings, glutes, quads, back, chest, core, and arms and depending on your grip, you can target different upper body muscles as you ascend.

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For example, using an overhand grip, the same as you would in a pull-up, will target your upper back more. By comparison, if you use an underhand grip, the same one you would use in a chin up, you’ll be targeting your biceps.

The second most effective exercise for burning calories is a full effort stationary cycle. This exercise results in 451 calories burned in 30 minutes for men and 285 calories for women.

The quads and hamstrings are typically targeted on a stationary cycle with the goal of helping build leg and lower body strength. When you pedal, your abdominal muscles also contract for balance, which also engages this core muscle.

Third is resistance strength training which can burn 371 calories for men and 234 for women. This exercise targets major muscle groups, such as the chest, back, legs, shoulders, biceps, triceps, and core, and increases muscle strength by making muscles work against a weight or force. Resistance training can be completed with free weights, machines, resistance bands, or just your own body weight.

The ten most effective exercises:

  1. vertical climber – calories burned: Men – 617 calories, women – 389
  2. stationary cycle – calories burned: Men – 451 calories, women – 285
  3. resistance training – calories burned: Men – 371 calories, women – 234
  4. bodyweight circuits – calories burned: Men – 370 calories, women – 229
  5. running – calories burned: Men – 365 calories, women – 222
  6. boot camp classes – calories burned: Men – 357 calories, Women – 220
  7. Treadmill walking – calories burned: Men – 308 calories, Women – 211
  8. rain of traditional strengths – calories burned: Men – 217 calories, women – 137
  9. pilates – calories burned: Men – 158 calories, women – 100
  10. yoga – calories burned: Men – 113 calories, women – 71
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A spokesperson commented on the findings. They said: “In the modern world and its fast-paced culture, it’s hard to find the time for your exercise regimen. This research shows the best exercises to burn those calories in just 30 minutes and demonstrates that there are a variety of exercises and benefits that suit a variety of people on their journey to better health.

“A great benefit of these exercises is the number of calories burned; however, they provide many other health benefits, including improving strength, mental well-being, and overall happiness. There’s a workout for everyone and it’s exciting to find the perfect fit, or variety of workouts.”

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