Extreme Fatigue: 5 Reasons Why Your Body is Tired All The Time

Extreme fatigue is a growing concern in this busy culture. Day and night can be exhausting for many and here are some possible reasons why it could happen.

Extreme fatigue: Do you feel tired all the time? From morning to night, is it a gloomy day all day for you? There can be many reasons behind this. Such incidents are the body’s signals that it is time for self-care. Constant fatigue is a common problem in this busy culture. Well, there can be several possible reasons behind constant fatigue. Nutritionist Lovneet Batra shared 5 possible reasons that can lead to constant tiredness and sadness.

5 reasons why you feel tired all the time

  1. be dehydrated – Enough water is the cure for more than half of health problems. From skin health to weight loss, it can offer you multiple health benefits. When you drink less water, it leads to dehydration, which can contribute to low energy levels.
  2. Not paying attention to a healthy diet. – Your diet significantly affects the way you feel. Undereating, or eating ultra-processed foods (foods high in refined carbohydrates, refined oils, too much salt or sugar) that are low in essential nutrients, can lead to calorie and nutrient deficiencies, which can cause depletion.
  3. nutrient deficiencies– Nutrient deficiencies can leave you feeling exhausted on a daily basis. Low levels of vitamin D, vitamin B-12, iron, magnesium, or potassium have been linked to fatigue. Because these deficiencies are quite common, it’s important to have your levels tested if you experience unexplained fatigue.
  4. Not having restful sleep – Getting enough sleep is essential for overall health. Unfortunately, many of us don’t consume enough, which can lead to fatigue. During sleep, your body performs a number of critical processes, including the release of important growth hormones and the repair and regeneration of cells, leaving you feeling energized the next day.
  5. Over stressed or over worked – When you are under stress, your body goes into fight or flight mode. This causes an increase in cortisol and adrenaline, which prepares your body to face these types of situations. In the case of chronic or ongoing stress, it takes a toll on your body’s resources and leaves you exhausted.
  हार्ट ट्यूमर का इलाज क्या है जाने इसके लक्षण, कारण और प्रकार -GoMedii

So, if you’re constantly feeling exhausted and tired, wait no longer and see your doctor to chart a healthy course of action.

Release Date: Apr 29, 2023 7:21pm IST

Date Updated: Apr 29 2023 7:28pm IST

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