Eye Flu in Delhi: Why Are Conjunctivitis Cases Rising in Children and How to Prevent it?

Incessant rainfall caused severe waterlogging in Delhi in the last couple of days. With Yamuna water inundating certain neighbourhoods and continuous rainfall, several health hazards are on the rise.

Eye Flu in Delhi: Why Are Conjunctivitis Cases Rising in Children and How to Prevent it?

Incessant rainfall caused severe waterlogging in Delhi in the last couple of days. With Yamuna water inundating certain neighbourhoods and continuous rainfall, several health hazards are on the rise. Recently, there is exponential rise in conjunctivitis cases or eye flu as it is called in the national capital and nearby cities as well. Authorities in Agra had also ordered school closures because the spread is more among children. According to doctors Delhi is reporting nearly 100 cases of conjunctivitis every day. Dr JS Titiyal, chief of RP Centre for Ophthalmic Sciences at AIIMS said that “We are getting at least 100 cases of conjunctivitis per day. There is usually a seasonal increase in conjunctivitis cases, which coincides with the flu season. The conjunctivitis cases are mostly caused by virus.”


Conjunctivitis cases are reported each year during monsoon season. Symptoms could be redness and itching in eyes. Experts and doctors say children are especially more susceptible to eye infections. Also, along with eye infections, cases of cough and cold are also reported among children. We have observed a notable surge of 50 per cent in conjunctivitis cases in our OPDs now. Particularly affecting children and teenagers, these cases typically present with symptoms like redness, discharge, and foreign body sensation in the eyes”.It’s highly transmissible for initial 3-4 days, they should avoid and isolate themselves. Those people who haven’t got it should wash their hands or use sanitiser. Children must avoid swimming because it can spread easily while swimming

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Humid weather is a carrier of germs and bacteria. Due to the ongoing monsoon season, there is a lot of humidity that is a contributor to this rise in eye fly cases. Monsoon makes up the ideal ground for bacteria, germ, and fungi to breed and proliferate due to all the heat, stagnant water, and humidity.

Sometimes, contaminated makeup, personal sharing of personal items, or pollen allergy can also cause conjunctivitis.


For children with eye flu:

  • Do not go to school or meet other people as it is highly contagious.
  • Maintain good hygiene all around. Keep surfaces clear
  • Avoid touching eyes repeatedly despite the itch and irritation
  • Use a clean wipe to clear the discharge from the eye and dispose safely in the dust bin
  • Wash hands regularly

General precautions

  • Maintain general hygiene all around your surrounding.
  • Maintain proper hand hygiene. Avoid touching surfaces and wash your hands every time you come back home.
  • Avoid crowded places to lower the risk of the spread
  • Avoid touching the eye repeatedly
  • Do not share personal items like towel, makeup etc.

Published Date: July 27, 2023 10:30 AM IST




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