Family Services of NW PA holds annual meeting, highlights rise in behavioral health needs in the Erie community

Behavioral health needs in the Erie community continue to grow and Family Services of NW PA is working to fix it.

During its annual meeting on Tuesday morning, Family Services highlighted all of its services that impact families in the region.

During the pandemic, Family Services was forced to switch gears and find ways online to help families.

Now coming out of COVID-19, many families are still struggling to find the necessary resources impacting mental health.

“Mental health symptoms have really, in some cases, worsened due to the unavailability of access to services for people. So it’s a key time for us to really come in and work with families and help them leverage the services that are available to them,” said Gregory Loop, President/CEO, NW PA Family Services.

Loop says that the Big Brother Mentor program continues to grow and they need mentors.


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