‘Fast results!’ Pippa Middleton’s best exercises to ‘burn fat’ – 450 calories in 30 mins

pippa middleton she leads an active and healthy lifestyle and as a result maintains her slim figure. for anyone looking lose weight or more specifically, burning fat, the British socialite has shared some of her favorite exercises that do “wonders for your body shape”.

In previous weeks, Pippa has talked about how to “walk towards health” and the importance of establishing a fitness plan.

In the sixth week of her exercise plan, she focuses on high-intensity interval training, also known as HIIT.

Speaking about HIIT and why she recommends it, Pippa said: “Great for burning fat and improving fitness, high intensity exercise is a short but intense workout that does wonders for your body shape, especially if you’re looking for quick results.

“The goal is to increase your VO2 max – to increase the amount of oxygen your body can use per minute.

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Lower Body Exercises

Do 30 seconds of each movement and repeat the circuit four times.

Jump Squat – Target Leg Muscles

1. From a standing position, make sure your feet are hip-width apart and squat down.

2. Pressing through your heels, jump into the air as high as you can.

3. Land softly in a squat position and repeat.

Side Skaters: Tones the bottom, upper legs, and outer thighs.

1. Take a big step to the left, lunging down, swinging your right leg behind your left.

2. Push through your left leg to explosively jump up and land on your right leg.

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3. Repeat.

Burpees – works the whole body

1. An all-in-one movement. Squat down, hands on the floor.

2. Kick your feet back onto a board. Return your feet to your hands and jump explosively.

3. Squat down again. To repeat.

4. For a less advanced move, instead of jumping your feet back, place one foot back at a time in a plank position.

Jumping Lunges: Sculpt your butt and legs.

1. Push forward with your left leg, with your knee above your ankle and your back knee toward the ground.

2. Jump into the air, switch legs and land in a lunge position with your right leg in front.

3. If this is too advanced, remove the jump and instead bring your knee up to your chest, then return your foot to the ground. This will also work your abdominal muscles.

4. Switch legs.

Pippa’s 10 week toning is done in conjunction with Waitrose magazine.

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