Fatty liver cure tips: Nutritional diet, supplements, lifestyle, fitness tweaks

stay well Health requires the body to undergo regular detoxification and the liver it is crucial to this process where most liver conditions can be avoided. Doctors say that the work-from-home situation and inactivity experienced during lockdown have led to an increase in liver-related disorders and around one member of every family currently suffers from fatty liver.

It has become a significant global problem and an independent risk factor for heart diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and cholesterol. The main concern is heart problems caused by fatty liver because ultrasound often finds it in patients, especially younger ones, and although liver diseases may not show symptoms initially, fatty liver can be identified early and cured.

What is the fatty liver?

As the body fills up with alcohol, abnormal fat deposits begin to build up in the liver. Scar tissue gradually replaces healthy liver tissue as a result of the inflammation and scarring caused by this and when the liver is not working well, you end up on the transplant waiting list. However, there are other factors besides alcohol that can contribute to the same condition.

NAFLD, also known as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, is the other type that is caused by being overweight or obese, consuming excessive amounts of sugar and processed carbohydrates, leading a sedentary lifestyle, and having symptoms of metabolic syndrome. It is rapidly rising to the top of the list of liver transplant diseases.

Tips to cure fatty liver:

In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Dr. Sushrut Pownikar, Head of Quality Assurance and Deputy Director at Oncquest Laboratories, shared: “Lifestyle changes that are recommended to help reduce fatty liver are; plain and simple diet, intermittent fasting has been known to help in some cases. Replace saturated/trans fats with unsaturated fats. Eat foods with a low glycemic index. Avoid sugar-based fruit drinks. Coffee has been recommended as a good supplement, 2-3 cups with low-fat, unsweetened milk help reduce fatty liver. Low-dose alcohol has been shown to be beneficial, but higher doses increase the risk. Avoid processed foods. Exercise, such as brisk walking, running, or any other aerobic activity. Sleep 6 to 8 hours. Liver function tests/USG are indicated in case of suspicion of inflammation in the liver. You should always consult your doctor before beginning any of the changes mentioned above.

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Therefore, green leafy vegetables and organic fruits should be part of the diet and limiting sugar intake is recommended if you have insulin resistance. High-fat foods and fatty foods are difficult for the liver to metabolize. Some of the foods that help reduce fatty liver diseases include cinnamon, apple cider vinegar, turmeric, and Indian gooseberry, often known as amla. The doctor advises drinking 10 to 12 glasses of water a day to keep the body hydrated and promote blood circulation.

Sujeesh Sukumaran, co-founder of Jollywell, recommended: “A lifestyle change is mandatory to prevent fatty liver from turning into liver disease. Fatty liver disease has no symptoms, but if left untreated, it can develop into chronic liver disease; it is more likely to develop in people who are overweight or have abnormal cholesterol levels, insulin resistance, diabetes, high blood pressure, or thyroid disorders. Weight loss may be the most effective strategy to prevent the progression of fatty liver because it can help decrease fibrosis, inflammation, and liver fat. Weight loss exercises should include aerobic and resistance training.”

According to him, several supplements can help with problems associated with fatty liver:

1. Milk thistle is often touted for its liver-protective properties and is commonly used as a complementary therapy by people with liver damage.

2. Dandelion extract has been widely used to treat various liver diseases due to its high concentration of phytonutrients that have been shown to protect the liver.

Regular exercise also reduces fatty acid synthesis, increases fatty acid oxidation, and protects mitochondria and hepatocytes from damage. Nimish Dayalu, yoga guru and CEO of Zoga Wellness, said: “No fitness journey can be complete without a healthy diet, moderation and mindful eating. A sattvic diet, Ayurvedic guidelines or many of the modern goal-based diets carried out under supervision can help you achieve fantastic results Specific yogik poses that can be practiced daily (Cow Face, Boat, Fish, Bow Pose, etc.) are available to stimulate, stretch and strengthen the liver. These poses convert liver fat into energy for the body. Pretty incredible. Direct experience. That’s the secret. You should look for that. Don’t listen to anyone else’s experience,” he adds.

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