11,000 people were included in this research
In this dataset, the researcher identified more than 11,000 people. Whose laboratory test was positive for Covid-19 in 2020 and it is recorded in his medical file. Among them, more than 3,000 people were hospitalized due to serious infection. They compared these groups with more than 222,000 people in the same database. Who has not had a history of COVID-19 during the same period.
People who test positive are at risk of stroke even after recovery
The research found that people who had Covid in 2020 had not been vaccinated until that time. They were twice as likely to suffer a major cardiovascular event such as a heart attack, stroke, or die for about three years after the illness. Whose test was not positive. If a person has been admitted to hospital for their infection. Which points to a more serious matter. His risk of a major heart attack was therefore even higher. More than three times. Compared to those who did not have Covid in their medical file.
The risk of these diseases increases even after recovering from Covid
People who needed hospitalization. To them, COVID seemed to be as powerful a risk factor for future heart attacks and strokes as diabetes or peripheral artery disease, or PAD. Research has estimated that more than 3.5 million Americans were hospitalized for Covid between May 2020 and April 2021.
Why does Covid affect the heart?
We’ve known for some time that infections increase the risk of heart attacks. So if you have the flu. If you have any infection. Whether bacterial or viral, it increases the risk of heart attack. All these bacterial infections are also cured. But until now, we did not know why Covid affects heart function even after so many years?
Disclaimer: Some information given in news media Based on reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you should consult the relevant expert.