Feedzai introduces mental health and menstruation leave

Image credit: Piotr Swat / Shutterstock.com

The Feedzai financial risk management platform has implemented a mental health and menstruation leave benefit for its 600 employees coinciding with World Mental Health Day (October 10).

The policy allows all employees one day off per month without affecting their salary for personal care when they are in conditions of physical, mental, menstruation or menopause related symptoms.

Depending on the business, those who need the day off will not be required to provide a medical certificate or doctor’s note, nor will they need to specify the reason.

Feedzai is also committed to empowering managers to improve education and awareness, in order to better support their teams and be aware of the various issues that affect people.

Dalia Turner, Vice President of People at Feedzai, said: “At Feedzai, we want to foster a more inclusive and safe work environment, making sure we meet the needs of our employees and giving them the conditions they need to thrive and succeed. We are implementing this new license benefit because we recognize that some of our employees may be experiencing symptoms related to their mental health, PMS, menstruation or menopause that may affect their ability to work.

“We also know that talking about mental health and menstruation can be uncomfortable or even taboo in the workplace, and it’s important to raise awareness of these issues and make sure our employees know we’ll stand by them should the need arise. By implementing this benefit, we want to start the conversation, remove the stigma, and make sure our employees know these topics are nothing to be ashamed of.”

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In August 2021, Feedzai introduced a four-day workweek for its workforce in order to promote wellness and work-life balance.

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