Finding Emotional Support for Postmenopausal Osteoporosis

If you just found out you have postmenopausal osteoporosis, you may be feeling overwhelmed. The condition, which affects an estimated 8 million women in the United States, it can make bones brittle and prone to fractures.

But despite the seriousness of this common disease, osteoporosis doesn’t always get the attention it deserves.

In fact, a little 2016 study from France found that both women with postmenopausal osteoporosis and physicians tend to trivialize the condition. That can make you feel like you have no one to turn to for support after receiving a diagnosis.

However, postmenopausal osteoporosis can affect you in profound ways, leading to pain and discomfort.

You may also need to stop doing activities you enjoy, such as high-impact exercise, to reduce your risk of fracture. The mobility challenges that arise from osteoporotic fractures can also compromise your independence and lead to social isolation.

If you’re having trouble coping with the impact of this condition, you’re not alone. A studio 2021 found that women with osteoporosis often express a need for support, such as educational and self-help groups, that can help them manage the psychological effects of this disease.

But there are plenty of places to go for emotional support for postmenopausal osteoporosis, and seeking help can make a world of difference.

Read on for some options to consider.

If you’re stressed or experiencing symptoms of anxiety or depression related to osteoporosis (or any other issue), a mental health professional can be an incredibly effective source of support.

Your doctor or other members of your care team may refer you to a therapist, counselor, or other mental health professional in your area.

However, these days, it is not always necessary to see a therapist in person. So if mobility issues or other issues make it difficult to meet in person, you can see a therapist from the comfort of your home through telehealth services.

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Here are some searchable databases that can help you connect with a virtual therapist:

Joining an osteoporosis support group can be comforting. There is a special give and take that happens when you connect with other people who are going through something similar. Plus, it can be a helpful reminder that you’re not alone.

The Bone Health and Osteoporosis Foundation (BHOF) maintains a list of osteoporosis support groups by state

While the support groups focused specifically on postmenopausal Osteoporosis can be hard to find—the condition often affects women after menopause—so you’ll likely meet people at this stage of life at many osteoporosis support groups. BHOF also offers information on starting your own group.

If you’re comfortable with online forums, visit the Online Osteoporosis Support Communitycreated by BHOF in association with Inspire. Join the discussion on a number of specific topics, including postmenopausal osteoporosis.

You can also take a look at American Bone Health Forumswhere more than 2,400 members ask questions and share tips.

Osteoporosis organizations offer several sources of support for those living with the condition.

They can provide you with reliable information on the latest treatments, tips for making lifestyle adjustments, guides for navigating conversations with your doctor, and more.

Some also offer ways for people to connect with others living with osteoporosis, such as through events and online forums.

Here are some osteoporosis organizations to check out:

  • American Bone Health: This is a national nonprofit focused on education and promotion. offers a useful Newly Diagnosed Resource Guide and helpline at 855-365-2663.
  • BHOF: BHOF is a nonprofit organization formerly known as the National Osteoporosis Foundation. you can visit his resource library for publications and videos on osteoporosis. Don’t miss her Upcoming events page, which provides information on fitness programs, charity walks, and workshops across the country.
  • International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF): IOF is a worldwide organization dedicated to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis and related musculoskeletal diseases. you can visit his school and download the brochure on “Bone care for postmenopausal women.”
  • NIH Osteoporosis and Related Bone Diseases National Resource Center: this organization is part of the US Department of Health and Human Services. Provides authoritative information on osteoporosis and related bone diseases.
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Newsletters, podcasts, and videos keep you abreast of the latest information on osteoporosis, which can give you peace of mind knowing you’re on top of the condition.

They also convey personal stories of people living with osteoporosis. Here are some options:

  • BHOF Newsletter: Sign up to receive this free quarterly email newsletter.
  • bone talk: The BHOF podcast and blog features inspiring conversations, perspectives from people with osteoporosis and their caregivers, and more. You can also subscribe at Apple Podcasts either Spotify.
  • IOF Videos: Informative videos and personal stories from people around the world living with osteoporosis.
  • Watch videos or read transcripts as people open up about their feelings and what it’s like to live with osteoporosis.

You can often get a boost of emotional support closer to home from loved ones, but you may need to give them a little information about your condition first.

Many people don’t understand how serious the condition can be and the ways it can affect their lives. Sharing the facts with your partner and family can help them learn about ways you may need emotional support, as well as practical assistance that might be helpful at home.

It is also important to maintain friendships. According to the BHOFpeople with large social networks seem to manage osteoporosis more effectively than people with smaller networks.

However, having a few people in your life who offer consistent, high-quality support can also go a long way.

If mobility issues make it difficult for you to attend social events, you may want to invite your close friends over to your home. You might also consider scheduling a weekly phone date to catch up on life and share what’s going on.

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Osteoporosis is common among older women. In fact, it affects 1 in 4 women 65 years or older.

If your group of friends includes other people your age, chances are one of them also has postmenopausal osteoporosis (or knows someone who does) and would be willing to share their ideas.

Postmenopausal osteoporosis is common, but it can have a profound impact on your lifestyle and emotional well-being.

Seeking emotional support can be a helpful part of coping with the condition. This may include:

  • connect with a mental health professional
  • join a support group or online forum
  • Leveraging Osteoporosis Organizations
  • subscribe to newsletters, podcasts and other media
  • ask loved ones for help

Learning that you have osteoporosis can stir up a lot of emotions. But remember: you don’t have to go it alone.

Millions of people are living with osteoporosis, and connecting with others who have the condition can be the first step in accepting the diagnosis and learning ways to manage it in your everyday life.

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