Fire fighters offered mental health support after two bikers died in M50 crash

Firefighters responding to the horrific accident on the M50 yesterday were offered mental health support to help them work through traumatic incidents.

Two motorcyclists, a man in his 50s and another in his 60s, died at the scene of the accident on the highway in which a truck was also involved.

The two bikers were friends and from Britain. “It was a freak accident,” a source said. The truck driver was unhurt.

Read more: M50 crash: Garda appeal for witnesses after fatal crash

Several fire trucks and ambulances went to the scene of the accident around 2:00 p.m. yesterday.

A section of the northbound M50 from Junction 7 to Junction 9 was closed from around 2pm until 9pm as Gardai investigated the scene.

The Dublin Fire Brigade said all firefighters who attended the scene were offered Critical Incident Stress Management, a mental support intended to help those who may have been through a traumatic experience.

A spokesman said: “Earlier today our firefighter/paramedic attended a fatal RTC scene on the M50. All our crews were offered critical incident stress management support.”

The DFB joined the gardai in asking the public not to share graphic images of the accident.

The spokesperson added: “We would like to echo the Gardai’s call not to share graphic images.”

The Mirror has also established that both men were English tourists on tour in Ireland.

One of the victims is understood to be in her 60s, while the other was in her 50s. Gardai contacted British police last night to break the news to the men’s families. But the sources stressed that neither the victims nor the driver of the truck involved in the crash were suspected of any crime.

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“It was just a horrible accident,” a source added. “The two men on the motorcycles were on vacation in England. It seems that they were riding and collided with each other.

“It was an accident and there is no suggestion that they were speeding.

“But when two motorcyclists even warn each other at 100 km/h, the results are devastating. They fell off their bikes onto the road and were hit by a truck.

The driver could do nothing to avoid them. It is a terrible tragedy.” Both men were killed instantly in the accident, which occurred on the northbound carriageway of the M50 orbiting Dublin between junction nine of the N7 and junction seven of the M4.

Read more: Gardai criticized ‘disrespectful’ sharing of fatal footage from M50 crash

Read more: M50 crash: Two dead cyclists were friends and from Britain

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