Fit gran, 63, ‘hit on by young guys’ tells fans to message her for fitness tips

Gym-obsessed Grandma Lesley Maxwell has told fans she’s on hand to help if they need some fitness and exercise tips.

The 63-year-old personal trainer took her Instagram page to tell his 92,500 followers that they should ‘message him’ if they want him to help them with their fitness goals.

Addressing her fans directly, the size 8 big, from Melbourne Australia, wrote: “Health and fitness is not just about looks.

“It’s a feeling… and there is no better feeling than having a healthy and strong body.

“The thing is, no one else can do the work for you. Even if you pay them to do the work for you, they’ll reap the benefits themselves.”

Personal trainer Lesley told fans to message her for fitness tips

“So a healthy body shows much more than that, like: determination, consistency, discipline and commitment.”

She added: “A strong mind equals a strong body, you CAN do it too!

“Send me a message if you’re interested… I have another 12 week challenge.”

Documenting her fitness level, Lesley shared a snap of her fit physique while wearing tight gray gym clothes.

This allowed him to show off his ripped abs and muscular arms while posing confidently in a gym.

However, the grandmother kept things glamorous as she sported bright makeup and had her blonde locks styled with a blow dryer.

Superfit great Lesley Maxwell poses in gym clothes
Size 8 granny often surprises with her fit physique
Superfit great Lesley Maxwell poses in a white bikini
She says that younger men often flirt with her.
(Image: Lesley Maxwell/Instagram)

Fans loved the post, with one exclaiming, “Wow. You’re amazing,” while another fan chimed in, “100% agree! Inspiring!”

  5 कैंसर हैं बेहद आम, जरा सी लापरवाही और ले सकते हैं जान, रहें सावधान !

A third also said, “Nice gym team, absolutely stunning as always.”

Lesley is used to the attention of admirers, with Grandma previously admitted she attracts men as ‘young as 18’.

She says that she believes age is just a number, however, she says that all of her partners have been younger than her, including her ex-husband, with whom she had a 13-year age gap.

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