Fit model, 75, sends fans into meltdown as she demonstrates heavy leg workout

Fans praised a fit model after showing a leg workout demo.

Joan MacDonald shows no signs of leaving the gym, and she looks stronger than ever at age 75.

The personal trainer often delights her 1.6 million followers on Instagram with snippets of his training.

Now, in a recent post, Joan from Canada showed how to complete a stiff deadlift and shared some tips.

She wrote: “These are a fabulous exercise for the rear of the body.”

His five simple tips include strengthening your core, tightening your lats, keeping your back flat, and keeping your elbows locked.

She demonstrated the training to her followers.

Another trick he told his fans was to simply slide the dumbbells up and down his legs.

She added: “I hope these tips help you! Here I am using 30lb dumbbells for sets of 10-12 reps.

“Please let me know if there are any other lifts you’d like me to hit. Have a wonderful day everyone! Love Joan.”

Since the strong granny shared the workout with her followers, the post has amassed more than 19,500 likes.

One fan said, “You look fantastic Joan,” another added, “Great show Joan.”

A third fan commented, “Joan, those triceps are insane! Thanks for all the little tips to help with form.”

While a fourth Instagram follower simply wrote: “So helpful! I love this.”

Joan was determined to make a change when she started her weight training and planning her macros.

joan macdonald
Joan has her own fitness community.

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He started doing a combination of cardio and weight lifting, targeting different muscle groups each day.

Fans can join her Train With Joan fitness community for more tips.

He has recently been on vacation where he has not stopped exercising as he has been training daily.

In one clip she can be seen demonstrating a pull up on a barbell.

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