Let’s face it, we all want a toned stomach and some abs, right?
Building a ripped physique isn’t easy, as it takes months, if not years, of good nutrition and fitness. training.
While most people think it’s all about how much you train, that’s where they’re wrong.
An influencer, known as Loz Fitness, is now trying to raise awareness by revealing the “truth about abs”.
Posting for his 48,500 followers on Instagramwrote a long legend about fitness.
She wrote: “The truth about abs…
“I feel like it’s still such a misconception that to get abs, you have to do a lot of abs exercises. Let me tell you, that’s not true.”
She told fans to stop overworking her abs thinking it would build a toned stomach.
The influencer added: “They need to rest like any muscle, so don’t exercise them every day. Also, doing sit-ups will NOT make them visible.
“Yes, muscle will build, but you need to eat in a calorie deficit to shed the layer of fat over your abs.
“BUT it’s 2022 who cares about visible abs! It’s about being happy and confident with your body, whether you have abs or not.”
She concluded: “Having a toned stomach every day of your life will be a hard and unhappy life.
“Eat what you like and be HAPPY”.
Since letting fans know on her Instagram page, the post has amassed more than 2,000 likes in the space of a day.
One fan said, “You’re such a VIBE,” while another added, “You look so strong girl.”
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A third admitted: “Big yes to this! Some days I have abs, other days I don’t.
“It used to bother me, but I’ve learned that visible abs don’t really define my value, health, or fitness levels.”
And a fourth shouted, “Preach, girl,” while a fifth also commented, “Amen.”
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