Fitness trackers motivate people to exercise more, study finds

Weight loss of 1kg may not seem like much, but the researchers say that from a public health perspective it is significant.

“Keeping in mind that these were not weight loss studies, but lifestyle physical activity studies, so we wouldn’t expect dramatic weight loss,” said co-author Professor Carol Maher.

“The average person gains about 0.5kg a year in weight gain, so losing 1kg in five months is significant.”

Between 2014 and 2020, the number of wearable activity trackers shipped globally increased by approximately 1,444%, with around £2.3bn spent globally on them in 2020.

In addition to weight loss, there is evidence that fitness trackers help reduce blood pressure and cholesterol and conditions caused in part by lack of exercise, such as heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and mental illness .

“The other reported benefit is that WATs improved depression and anxiety through increased physical activity,” said Mr. Ferguson.

Previous studies found that wearable activity trackers did little to improve fitness levels because users either returned to previous exercise levels after the novelty wore off, or stopped using them altogether.

They also argued that because activity readings from fitness trackers can vary widely for the same amount of exercise, the data cannot be taken seriously for medical purposes.

Some users have spoken about how activity trackers made them sickly obsessive about their exercise levels.

The report said: “Physical activity outcomes were consistently shown to improve in children, young adults, adults, and older adults, with similar effect sizes. Beneficial effects for body composition were evident in a range of populations, including adults. healthy and those with obesity.”

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