Florida school system studies Tom Brady fitness plan in pilot program

A school district in Florida is implementing a pilot fitness program created by NFL quarterback Tom Brady to promote healthy practices among students.

The program is being implemented at six middle schools and four high schools in Pinellas County Schools, which is located on the western side of the state and includes the city of St. Petersburg. It was started as the result of a partnership between the Pinellas Educational Foundation, a coalition of community members working to improve public education, the nonprofit TB12 Foundation of Brady, and the school system.

The program is made up of five pillars: flexibility, nutrition, hydration, movement and mental fitness. Flexibility is the most crucial part of the TB12 method, as it allows the muscles to be “resilient” and better at absorbing force, according to the website for method.

the Washington Post representativeOrted that the idea to implement the program came from Ben Wieder, a member of the board of the Pinellas Educational Foundation. Wieder heard Brady talk on a podcast about the method the NFL star and his body trainer created and was so excited that he asked the TB12 Foundation to adapt it for schools.

The Post reported that supporters of the program believe it will get students excited about physical activity, and dozens of other school districts have called Pinellas with questions about it.

But Brady’s method has drawn criticism since he created it in 2017.

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A New York Times rebook view in which Brady described the method, he said that the concept does not have solid scientific support and that flexibility is not a concept in exercise science. Experts have questioned the effectiveness of his method, but Brady has definitelyended his rapprochement.

Pinellas County Schools, the Pinellas Education Foundation and the TB12 Foundation did not immediately respond to requests for comment from The Hill.


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