Flu Cases on the Rise: How to Prevent Influenza-like Illnesses in India?

Influenza-like illnesses are spreading rapidly in India. However, finding ways to stay safe from new viruses and prevent a wide range of respiratory problems could save millions of lives across the country.

The Ministry of Health warned that a growing trend of Influenza-type diseases, and Severe Acute Respiratory The diseases are being observed throughout the country.

H3N2 Influenza Cases Are Rising In India

“Under the Integrated Disease Surveillance Program (IDSP), as reported by the states and union territories, an increasing trend of ILI/SARI is observed across the country. Furthermore, according to the integrated sentinel surveillance of ILI and SARI , a rebound of influenza A It has been observed since the second half of December 2022,” Union Health Secretary Rajesh Bhushan said in the letter.

“Of particular concern is the preponderance of influenza A (H3N2) being detected in samples being tested at various laboratories,” Bhushan said, adding that young children, the elderly and people with comorbidities are particularly at risk. risk and are vulnerable. to HIN1, H3N2, adenovirusetc

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“While the trajectory of COVID-19 has decreased substantially in recent months, the gradual increase in COVID-19 test positivity rates in some states is a concerning issue that must be addressed immediately. Despite a low number of new cases, an equally low number of hospitalizations and significant advances in terms of vaccination coverage against COVID-19, it is still necessary to remain vigilant and focus on the five-fold strategy of test-treat-vaccinate and adherence to appropriate behavior for the COVID,” the letter reads. .

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Bhushan further said that while most of these agents generally cause a similar mild and often self-limited illness manifesting as an acute respiratory infection with fever and cough, in some cases, particularly in the elderly, people with obesity and other comorbidities, also since pregnant females can suffer a more severe manifestation of these diseases that require hospitalization.

Ways to prevent flu-like illness

The Ministry of Health has asked to sensitize the community about adherence to respiratory and hand hygiene, promoting early notification of symptoms and limiting contact of those with respiratory diseases to limit the transmission of these diseases.

Source: IANS

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