Follow These Fitness Habits To Live to 100 and Beyond, Trainer Says — Eat This Not That

Living a long, healthy, and productive life can be a very exciting thing. But to live to be 100 and beyond, there are more than a few habits you’ll need to start and maintain. We talked to an expert and learned some fitness habits live to be 100 years old and beyond, so be prepared to renew your lifestyle and exercise regimen. You are about to have many more birthday parties in the years to come!

Eat this, not that! approached kami bleasea personal trainer in suitable, the nation’s largest personal training service that makes expert-guided virtual or in-person fitness training accessible and convenient for everyone. Blease lets us get into these key exercise habits that you’ll need to prioritize. The end result will be worth every effort and motivation you put into achieving your goal. Read on for Blease’s tips.

mature woman sleeping peacefully

Sleep is a key part of your fitness and general well-being. If you don’t get enough sleep, you won’t be able to get the proper amount of exercise your body needs. So consider this the first of the key habits for living to 100 and beyond.

Blease explains, “In our culture, we can exalt the hustle and bustle mentality, but in the long run, it’s only doing us a disservice.” Getting a good night’s rest will make you much more productive the next day. It will also help improve how you manage your hunger and energy, make sure you’re living your healthiest life, and make sure your brain is processing and utilizing everything it was exposed to the day before.

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Blease says that most adults need seven to nine hours of sleep, but it’s really important to keep in mind how many hours you sleep each night. This will make it easier to know what your body is looking for when you are not limiting your sleep time. He adds: “I also recommend establishing a nightly routine that encourages your brain and body to prepare for sleep. Something as simple as a specific playlist, meditation, or a cup of tea is a great place to start.”

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mature couple walking a dog, fitness habits that will help you live to be 100mature couple walking a dog, fitness habits that will help you live to be 100

Let’s face it: life in this day and age is extremely hectic and overstimulated. Going non-stop is an easy routine to follow, but it can lead to exhaustion. If you don’t manage your stress properly, you risk getting sick more often and your energy levels will drop, so you won’t feel like exercising. The struggle will be real when it comes to keeping your life balanced and in control.

Blease advises: “While self-care can feel like a luxury or unnecessary, it’s really important to do it, especially when you’re busy. A 10-minute walk, a bubble bath, a phone call to a friend, or reading a book are all things you can do that give your mind/body a break, allow you to reconnect with yourself, and show yourself that you’re a priority. It doesn’t have to be much, but it should be something.”

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walking couple demonstrating fitness habits to live to 100 yearswalking couple demonstrating fitness habits to live to 100 years

Every type of movement for your body is beneficial and important. Going for a walk is such an easy thing to add to your routine, and it doesn’t cost a thing! You can start walking just 10-15 minutes each day and it will have a big impact in the long run. No need to stress about it, but rather do what works best with your schedule and make it fun. Constant movement throughout your life will help you feel much healthier, younger and better.

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older couple playing tennisolder couple playing tennis

The benefits you get from exercise are extraordinary and do wonders for your physical appearance. A regular exercise routine gives you a stronger cardiovascular system and strengthens your muscles, helping you maintain your independence and perform daily tasks as you age.

Blease says, “Exercising regularly allows your body to de-stress, release toxins, and connect your mind with your body. Movement can be different for everyone, and I don’t think there’s anything specific you should do. I think you should do what you really enjoy and want to do constantly”. In addition to walking, consider getting involved in tennis, plogging, or swimming as well. It’s important to find something you enjoy doing, as that will make it much easier to stick with it.

As you age, your body loses muscle, and that increases your risk of injury. It is imperative to constantly work on stretching, strengthening muscles and improving balance. All this will help you to age gracefully, be healthy and be happy!

alexa mellardo

Alexa is the Mind + Body Associate Editor for Eat This, Not That!, overseeing the M+B channel, and providing readers with engaging topics on fitness, wellness, and personal care. Read more about Alexa

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